Health Issues

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Health issues

Health issues


The health care sector of United Kingdom is growing with the passage of time. It is considered to be one of the largest industries, which provides 14.3 million jobs to unemployed people. It is also one of the growing occupations in the region. With the growth of health care industry, there have been many issues arising in the industry, which have been affecting doctors, patients and many health care professionals. The various issues raised by the new medical advances have provoked many debates among the health care professionals and doctors in the field. Many studies have revealed that doctors and health care professionals have to deal with various issues which are influenced by the society and other legislations.


The health care industry has been plagued by various problems which includes diagnosis written illegibly, unable to access patient information, security a privacy issues and the limitation on time. With the increase in use of technology, many improvements have been made in the health care sector. For instance, the use of internet by the health care professionals has provided the patients with an opportunity to view their medical information through electronic mediums.

Issue in health care

Now days, many health care professional convert the patient information into digital form so that they are available electronically. All the data and private information about the patient is transmitted through the internet or wireless communication. This has led to issue of security and privacy in health care industry. There has been a great concern regarding the issue of confidentiality of the patient. The use of internet for connecting health information has exposed the data to hostile attacks as compared to the traditional methods. Once the patient's information is made available through the internet, it allows the hackers and unauthorized users to gain access to the records and can alter them according to their own way. With the increase use of technological devices there has been a great challenge to ensure security o9f data as compared to traditional health care system (Kottow, 1986, pp. 118)

Emerging trends in HIV

The issue of HIV/AIDS is growing with the passage of time. Initially there were many few medicines and treatment for the diagnosis and the treatment of AIDS. Now a days, many hospitals and doctors use more simplify drugs to improve patient's health and decrease the side effects. Now days, doctors use multiple drugs to suppress the viral load in ...
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