Health Risks Of Computer Usage

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Health risks of computer usage


The long term use of computer leads to a substantial adverse effect on a person's health. People spend a lot of time doing more tasks on computer. This argumentative research will aid the general community who tend to use computers in their daily life. It will help us in understanding the possible health issues associated with the computer usage and the possible preventions to overcome this problem.

Table of Contents


Thesis statement1



Benefits of computer2

Health issues2

RSI (repetitive strain injury)4


CVS (computer vision syndrome)5

Obsessive Compulsive disorder6

Depression and stress6

Other Computer Related Health Hazards7

Electromagnetic Radiation7




Health risks of computer usage

Thesis statement

"Extensive use of computers may disrupt the health of a person leading to many syndromes."


Computer is admired as an incredible intellectual instrument in our society. It is considered one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century. It is a machine that calculates processes, organizes, and displays information. It can be in touch and communicate with other computers all over the globe. The most powerful computer can perform billions of calculations per second. We use computers for various things like education, entertainment, communication and business. It can produce information, images, movies and sounds. It is used in our everyday life; we almost find it everywhere at school, universities, at every home and office. Computers usually allows us to do various task with efficiency, speed and more professionally than ever before (Burniske, 2001). Many individuals tend to spend long hours using the computers; however, cost comes along with all these benefits. A world without computer indicates no mean of communicating, No video games or internet thus making life extremely difficult. Although computer has the potential to improve the quality of a person's life; it is, at the same time, it also causes many health issues.

Computer addiction has influenced all aspects of an individual's life. It has affected a person in changing his social values and lifestyle. It directly affect's a person's thinking, life and behavior in a negative way. To access limitless information from anywhere at any time the largest global database and network known as internet is being uses. With that numerous computer crimes are being committed threatening protection privacy of a person. Due to which millions of people became unemployed and many jobs permanently eliminated. Due to over usage of computer in every aspect of life health risk increased a lot.


Benefits of computer

Whether we like it or not computer are the future. It can perfume multiple tasks at a speed far faster than an individual. A computer can store large amount of information, facts and instructions in its memory. It can even perform logical operations and execute instructions after a program or data has been fed into its memory Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the modern era and it has grown in a very rapid rate. This highway of information has helped every individual to enhance their knowledge and skills. Many benefits are being taken from it as people are able to find out the information about news, road conditions, ...
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