Health Deviation

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Health Deviation

Health Deviation

Ulcerative colitis is a common worldwide, chronic, inflammatory disease of the mucous idiopathic rectum and colon. In the 2000s, we became more aware of the role of the microenvironment factors, and, in particular, intestinal microflora, as well as genetic and immune factors in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis. Although, in general, the results of treatment of this disease have improved, but no recent technique has yet developed. The most effective treatments are increasingly meeting the requirements of evidence-based medicine; that outlines clear treatment (Cameron, 2009, p. 100). Success depends on the choice of drug, corresponding to the severity and localization of the disease in this patient, and aminosalicylates are the mainstay of treatment of light and medium vigorous forms. Although powerful immunomodulators and 6-mercaptopurine have increasingly recognized as a treatment for steroid-dependent disease, but the problem is the toxicity of these substances has led to what has its application in practice cyclosporine at high doses, and then only in severe active ulcerative colitis. There are a number of promising experimental and traditional active factors studied in controlled clinical trials. It is common that colorectal cancer can be a complication of ulcerative colitis; however, there is still no uniform approach to the practice of colonoscopy screening and does not has its production as an optimal strategy (Cohen, 2003, p. 89).

The main purpose of this essay is to focus on the case of 56 year old woman who has been suffering from the ulcerative colitis. The paper makes discussion on the pathophysiology of this disease and the necessary treatment for this disease. Finally, the paper makes discussion on the learning gained from this paper about the disease.

The case discussed in this study has its focus on the patient who is 56 years old woman. The woman was divorced and single parent. She had one son and one daughter. The name of the woman was Jolen. Jolen had been working in an office since almost 20 years for the purpose of upbringing of her children. Almost 5 years before, doctors have diagnosed that she is suffering from ulcerative colitis.

Jolen had consulted the physician about the disease, and he told her about the pathophysiology of the ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is found more frequently among certain age groups, ethriicities, geographic regions and socioeconomic groups. There are two general peak ages of onset for ulcerative colitis. The first peak is between 15-30 years and the second between 60-80 years. Ulcerative colitis has a frequency that is two to four fold higher in Jewish populations in the US, Europe and South Africa. Ashkenazi Jews have the highest prevalence, about twice that of Israelis, Sephardic and Oriental Jews (Davis, 2000, p. 79). Urban areas tend to have a higher prevalence than rural areas. Higher socioeconomic classes also have a higher frequency than lower socioeconomic classes. The principal symptoms found in patients with ulcerative colitis are rectal bleeding, diarrhea, tenesmus, passage of mucus and crampy abdominal pain. As the extent of disease becomes more severe, the ...
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