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Inequalities in Health & Speaking and Listening

Inequalities in Health & Speaking and Listening


This paper has been written for the purpose of presenting a comparison of cultural and structural theories of health, along with the strengths and weakness of each. Moreover, it also explains the way in which data has been chosen to provide services that address health issues in a community.


Cultural Theory of Health

Cultural theory understands communication as shared knowledge among a set of individuals belonging to a given context. These individuals use the same code to understand each other. This code is given by the culture of each individual and will continue year after year marking the customs, ideologies and traditions in this context be seen as "normal" while other cultures, however, be viewed as " the strange and alien. " Therefore, intercultural communication is defined as the management messages to create meaning across cultures because with this find diversity of opinion which would generate a vast cultural wealth, it very good for humanity (Wargo 2009, pp. 50).

Strengths and Weaknesses

With the cultural theory of health, it can be said that it has its own strengths and weaknesses and this is because there are different culture that exist in the world, and therefore, there are different languages and ethnic associations. Therefore, although it enables human beings to let other people from different parts of the world study about health issues, the language can serve as a barrier of communication. However, the major strength is that Internet has made the world a global village by giving access to easy connectivity for people to interact with one another.

Structural Theory of Health

The popular phrase "better to be healthy and wealthy than the poor and the sick" is now lost its former tone of paradox, and ceased to be perceived as a good joke. Today it sounds like a triviality, a statement of fact, almost lying in the bottom of things. Needless to say, if a human being cannot buy health, the capital is the best combination. Thus, health is introduced as an essential element in the formula for success. The successful person must be healthy. Advertising teaches us that people living in an expensive environment, riding in beautiful cars, ate food from the supermarket, always look good. Ill-health is a deviation from the norm. Any deviation requires immediate attention (it is desirable that no one noticed that you have something wrong - or the image of a successful person will be significantly spoiled.) Therefore the modern man is actively using drugs, like prevention and vigilantly monitors the results of the analysis. A positive result - an extension of life. Negative - low immunity and the emergence of drug dependence. If humanity today, such as stop vaccinations (shots), it will shake the epidemic, which did not know and the Middle Ages. However, planted by the immune system, and the use of hormonal methods developments and other "advanced" medicine leads to a reduction of health in subsequent generations. Advances in medicine (but not only them) have led to a sharp deterioration in the gene pool of humanity ...
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