Health Care Practices

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Health Care Practices

Health Care Practices


Conflicts of interests are pretty much common in all domains of human practices, medicine being one of them. Due to weak remedies to remove these conflicts, it is often very difficult to disclose them (Richard, 2007).In the usual practices of health care, conflict of interest usually evolves when a health care specialist holding others' responsibility is inclined by aspects that engross personal interest such as financial, private or other factors, either deliberately or un-deliberately.

In such a system which is capitalistic or we may say profit oriented, the conflicts in interest conventionally exist due to financial concerns.  According to the experiences in the field of medicine, it is established that decisions are made taking into consideration the aspects that benefit the doctors, the financer, the government or the hospital at most ignoring the ones that promise maximum benefit to the patients.

Health Care Practices Holding Conflict Of Interest

There are many practices in the domain of health care that create conflict of interest amongst mass. These include; ownership of health facility acquired by a physician, fee compensation for referring to any clinic or laboratory or for prescribing any drug or device, contract-based relationships, referring patients to medical specialists who work on contracts, and many more. In this discussion, a few of the mentioned exercises will be highlighted in the sense to explain how are these practiced why a need happens to arise for the conflict interest regarding them.

The relationship of trust between the physician and his patients is affected greatly when the physician faces any conflict of interest because patients look upon the care that the physician shows to the level of commitment. They anticipate that the physicians would never be led away from the nobility of their profession in any case. Hence, rules for conflict of ...
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