Health Care Management

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Health Care Management

Health Care Management


This essay is about the management in the Health care section. In the given scenario in an organization, the upper management has decided that the healthcare department must be downsized. The manager of each team has to prepare for his or her team to cope up with the changes. One of most important changes involves motivational techniques. Being a manager, the duty is to research and understand various motivational methods to lead and implement change within the concerned area. (Keller, 2009)


Today the influence of motivation on the performance of people is essential to achieve certain goals and achieve certain goals set by organizations related specialists agree that the performance of workers and people in general depends largely the degree or level of employee motivation in having. Considering motivation as a key factor in the success of these programs, as in any other training program, training or even in any system of study, an investigation of this nature can help to strengthen the training of technicians ( in any specialty and mention) sponsored by private companies and thereby ensure the continuity of these innovative educational programs. Motivation is the act of encouraging workers to have better performance in meeting the objectives.

Through motivation we can achieve better performance, higher productivity, greater efficiency, more creativity, more responsibility, and a greater commitment on the part of workers. From the strategic point all organizational objectives both officers and operatives, figure prominently in the processes of leadership and motivation in firms. The officers are represented by the components of legitimacy of the organization, while providing operational and northern point and direction to where the company wants to go, and also provide the building blocks for decision-making and the establishment of performance indices. Consequently purposes and objectives represent official mission and operational legitimacy provide a sense of direction and motivation to the workers, the guidelines identify processes for problem analysis and selected performance standards. How it was written in the preceding two types of goals have different purposes, which must be taken into account by leaders who want their company look healthy and progressive compared to other competitors. (Schunk, 2010)

According to the treatise F. Reference Kofman in healthy organizations, A healthy company integrates its employees without restricting their existence as individuals. When an organization-a cult, for example, makes the autonomy of its members to the leader's wishes, becomes an oppressive entity that collapses under its own weight. : And to keep alive the company needs to integrate into their individual visions shared vision of its members. If members of the informal structure not perceive their work duties as a way to secure their future that each of them wants, the company will strive for its disappearance violently because they are frustrated.

Motivational Cycle

If we focus on motivation as a process to meet needs, we have what is called the motivational cycle, whose stages are as follows: homeostasis that is at some point the human organism remains at steady state, stimulus is when ...
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