Health Care Law

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Health Care Law

Health Care Law


Laws are made for the regulation of human behaviors in order to benefit the society. The laws for the protection of human society are made in order to avoid the occurrence of any type of harm to other individuals when the law is protecting the rights of people. .there is many laws in the united states that are made for the benefit and betterment of the health care society and the health care profession on the whole. Through the US law the proper management of the health care organization, system, administration is being managed.


The law for human health care is defined as the whole system that consists of processes and principles through which the people of the society are able to deal with different kinds of health care issues and problems and are able to seek a solution for these problems through the help of these laws without the occurrence of any dispute. Giving a whole statement for the laws of health care we can say that these health care laws are system of rules that are enforced by the government that can impose the penalties when these prescribed laws are being violated by individuals.

There is also a public health service that is designated for the protection and security of the rights that are given to all of the civilians under the laws of the country and the government. It is obvious that health information technology have made the work of nurses easy to provide good are to patients (Department of Health, 2013). It is also observed that there are some ethical and security issues that occur specially when using portable devices for maintaining health care records. The most significant issue that arises is the storage and access to data through these portable devices. It ...
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