Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care2

Task 12

Users services Forums2

Integrated Workforce Agenda3

Factors That Could Prevent Organizations Working Together4

Task 24

Communicating With Adults with Different Needs In Health And Social Care4

Senior Citizens4


Understanding the Impact of Health & Safety Policies5

Risk Assessment5

Task 37

Significance of Health and Social Care7

Collective Work7

Task 48

Social Services8

Role of Social Assistance11

Task 513


Health and Social Care

According to health and safety act 1974, the employers need to maintain a healthy and safe environment at workplace for all the employees (Alli, 2009). They must obey the rules and regulations as imposed by the Act. The Act stated that it the duty of employer to take good governance of the working area, handling apparatus, safe use of substances, chemicals, equipments and also minimize the risk present in that environment while making the workplace more protected and safe. Inter-agency working is service user centered, which means the service users is the key player in the team and all other agencies fit onto them. They should be considered the important members of the team, and should be included in planning and decision making, this way they will get the best of the services and be satisfied. If the service user is not satisfied with the services will mean the inter-agency is failing.

Task 1

Users services Forums

Service forums are usually made up of service users (individuals who use a particular services, example mental health and other long-term medical problems) and service providers (professionals such as doctors). The forums bring together health care professionals and their service users together to discuss health services provided and the level of satisfaction of these services. The forum also discusses how services can be improved by listening to the users and the way they think services can be improved. It also addresses the government's decisions and how it will affect service delivery, example the resent government cuts. Health professionals will discuss how the cuts will affect the services they access. Services forum as any of the health and social care partnerships is service user centered, it prioritize service users and the services they receive.

Users' services forums also comments as a group on local services and influence those services.

Integrated Workforce Agenda

Integrated workforce agenda is described as the planning and actions that are needed to align workforces in different organizations so that improvement in services or efficiencies can be achieved (Emmerichs, 2004). When different agencies form partnership, they share common goals, which promote provision of integrated care. Integrated care ensures that an individual will be able to get holistic health care regardless of their culture, race and gender. Integrating agencies also provides various health care professional with the chance to learn from each other and broaden their knowledge. This will make them to be able to deliver a better holistic health care. Integrating health care and social care illustrates clear understanding of the importance of integrating the workforces of agencies. Although integrating agencies to support the needs of individuals still have a long way to go, we can see the benefits of health ...
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