Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care

Assessment Task A & B

Assessment Task A

Working in Partnership with Service Users in Social Care Practice


The problem related to the difference in health care services provision is common in various states of Europe, United Kingdom and United States. The ethnic groups living in these places are suffering from such a problem. The degree of difference underlying socioeconomic inequalities sustains as a challenge with the genetic and cultural explanations. In United Kingdom, there are several cases reported regarding the difference in healthcare provision. The reports are present in terms of mortality and morbidity rate. The information about the morbidity and mortality rate of immigrant suggest the difference of experience in groups of minority. The health of Chinese, Indians and white people is best as compared the other minorities. The health of Caribbean people, Black people, Pakistani and Bangladeshi are poorest. It is the ethnic responsibility of the healthcare providers including nurses to give the healthcare services regardless of the race, nationality and minority factor. Moreover, they should provide the healthcare services in partnership with the other health care professionals and users of the service. The purpose of the services provision in the partnership is to facilitate the right based and anti oppressive values of health and social work (Taylor & Le Riche, 2006).


In United Kingdom, many people migrate from different regions of the world and thus relate to the different ethnic groups. The minority and ethnicity have profound effects not only on the health but also on the up taking of the health care facilities. The information regarding particular ethnic group greatly help to enhance the health status. Moreover, it assists to offer health care to the particular population. Indeed, ethnic health is the big issue. The difference of the culture, language, religion and race influence the health of the ethnic populace. Moreover, there is a lot of ignorance, prejudice and misunderstanding concerning the general factors of the ethnicity as well as the influence on their health status.

Minority ethics, especially the Black ones, in the United Kingdom possess the worse status of health in comparison of the entire populace. Besides this, there are ethnic groups that have worse condition of health than that of others depending on the patterns of the various health problems and diseases. One of the main factors of the health inequalities is the poor socioeconomic standpoint of the ethnic group. The aspects of the ethnicity encompass nationality, religion, culture and race. According to the census of 2001, the percentage of the black people was 2% and now it has risen to the 73 percent of the entire population of United Kingdom. This percentage indicates that in future United Kingdom will become the multiethnic.

Differences in the Uptake of Services

NHS has reported the differences in the delivery of healthcare services allied to the different sectors of health care organizations. Along with this, there are certain cases in which the ethnic groups have received the equal care such as the primary ...
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