Health And Social Care

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Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care

Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care

Part I

LO1: Structure and Functioning of the Human Body

Cellular Metabolism

Cellular Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions by which the body material and energy exchange with the environment Cellular Reactions Basic. Living systems convert energy from one form to another as they play key roles in maintenance, growth and reproduction. In these energy conversions, as in all others, some useful energy is lost to the environment at each step.

Living organisms that synthesize their own food are called autotrophs. Most autotrophs use the sun's energy to synthesize food. Green plants, algae and some bacteria are autotrophs possessing specialized organelles where food synthesis occurs. There are other beings that cannot synthesize their own food. These beings are known as heterotrophic. Animals and fungi are heterotrophic organisms such because they rely on autotrophs or other heterotrophs for food. Once the food is synthesized or ingested by a living, most degraded to produce energy that cells need.

The total of all the reactions that occur in a cell called metabolism. Those reactions in which simple substances together to form more complex substances called anabolic reactions. For example, the reactions in the cell protein molecules are constructed anabolic reactions.

Homeostasis of the Internal Fluid Environment through Excretion of Waste Products

Homeostasis is a set of phenomena that take place and affect ecosystems, or even in certain organisms, corrects deviations, eliminates excesses, controlling opposing forces, sometimes introducing new factors, always trying to keep the together in balance and proper function and normal. Homeostatic mechanisms are “feedbacks” ecosystem. Homeostasis is also a process of self-regulation, whereby biological systems such as cells and organisms work to maintain the stability of the ecosystem setting the conditions necessary for optimal survival.

Homeostasis is one of the basic qualities of living creatures that permits the support of the interior environment inside passable cutoff points. The inward environment of a living creature essentially relates to natural liquids which incorporate blood plasma, lymph, and different between and intracellular liquids. The support of stable conditions in these liquids is fundamental for living creatures, since the nonappearance of such conditions is unfavorable to the hereditary material.

The capability to stand by life is reliance of the steadiness of human form liquids, and may be influenced by various variables, for example temperature, saltiness, ph, or focuses supplements, for example glucose, gasses, for example oxygen, and squanders, for example carbon dioxide and urea. These factors into imbalance (lack or the excess) can affect the occurrence of chemical reactions essential for the maintenance of the living body. To maintain the physiological mechanisms is necessary to keep all of these factors within desirable limits.

Endocrine System

The endocrine system, together with the nervous system regulates and controls all the functions of our organism. Just to name a few examples, the endocrine system operates in tissue growth, fluid balance in the body, reproduction and metabolism of carbohydrates. It is formed by a series of glands, called endocrine ...
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