Health And Social Care

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Principles of Health and Social Care Practice

Principles of Health and Social Care Practice


Diverse ethnic, cultural and social perspectives of a community play an important role in health and social care practices. There are a number of problems faced by health and social care providers due to these differences. The social and cultural environment, community, age, gender, occupation, disability, sexual orientation and different other aspects associated with individuals also affect their lifestyle. All these are the major concern or define as the community problems, which are mainly affected due to these interactions and the reasons which affect life of a person and results in various diseases and other social issues. According to Dreachslin, on the basis of different ethnicity hultural heritage also affects the life of a person, cultural heritage is define as, “cultural heritage generally includes a common language, family, values, norms, and religious tradition” (Dreachslin,, 2012, p. 432). Age, gender and other such perspectives are very significant in understanding the problems with a particular community and to provide solutions according to it. Therefore, this diversified and multicultural aspect of community requires better interventions and programs to deal with the problems according to beliefs and practices of a particular community.

Thesis Statement

Health and social care provider requires proper knowledge and awareness about principles, policies, legislations, standards and theories according to the process and practice in the multicultural diverse community.


1.1 Explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice

Principles of Support in Health And Social Care Practice

Principles of support are very significant for the health and social care providers in order to make them understand and practice with diversified community. Applications of these principals ensure that, there every individual receive better care and services according to their social and cultural perspectives without any biases or discrimination. These principals are very effective in providing rights and choices for the individuals to get better services with dignity, respect and confidentiality ( Therefore, it is required that a health and social care provider must know these aspects about their patients and clients.

Principles of Support in Health And Social Care Practice In Muticultural Diverse Community

Principles of Support are based on the principal of “good practice” in health and social care services (

It also involves respecting other individuals without any discrimination and providing them equal attention.

It also includes providing them choice for making their own decision in health and social care facilities

It is right of every individual to have best quality of services and equal opportunity for it.

Individuality is one of the most important aspects, individuality and personal identity of every person should be maintained and everyone must be treated according to it.

Personal beliefs and cultural diversification of every individual must e considered important and a health and social care provider must be aware of it.

Age, gender, language, religions and all the different social, cultural, economic and ethnic diversification must ...
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