Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care Practice



Principles of Support2

Procedure for the protection of Clients, Colleagues and patients from Harm2

Person-centered Approach3

Ethical Dilemmas4

Implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice4

Development of local policies and procedure4

Impact of policy, legislation, regulation and codes of practice5

Theories of Health and Social Care Practice5

Impact of Social Processes on Users of Health and Social Care Services6

Effectiveness of Inter-Professional Working6

Accountabilities, Responsibilities and Duties in Health and Social Care Workplace7

Own contribution to the development of Health and Social Care Policy8

Recommendations for Good Practice Requirements8


Health and Social Care Practice


The social and health care is very important for the betterment of the society. The social workers that work in the area of health and social care should try to perform their duties in the most efficient manner not just in the place where they are working but also outside their working areas.

This assignment of healthcare is based on two parts in which the first part is focused on explaining the principles of support in the success of social and health care services, the procedures for the protection of clients, colleagues and patients from harm, the benefits of applying the person-centered approach and the ethical dilemmas and the ethical conflicts that one faces while providing health care services. It also includes the explanation regarding the implementation of the policies, legislation, regulation and the codes of practice. It further explains the development of local policies and procedures on the basis of the national needs and requirements. It also discusses the impact that the policy, legislation, regulation and codes of practice have. The second art of this assignment focuses on the theories relating to health and social care practice, the impact the social processes have on the users of health and social care services. It further discusses the effectiveness of interprofessional working in health and social care services. It also discusses my accountabilities, responsibilities and duties in the workplace along with me contribution and recommendations for the development and implementation of health and social care policy.


Principles of Support

The principles of support play a very important role in the success of social and health care services. There are been many principles that have evolved from various values which is now considered as goodness and intrinsic worth. It is very important to have support in the success of health care. The availability of good support services is considered as a very important factor for the individuals to select the proper support and health services ( Some of the governments are also addressing the issue of support for continuous well being of its people. The availability of the support services assures the individuals that the treatment is both beneficial and caring. An example of the importance of support services is the people who have learning disabilities. These people do not have the option of choosing due to which these kinds of support services provides an assurance that they will get the best available care (Anonymous 2011, p. ...
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