Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care



Principles of support & Outline the procedure for protecting patients and colleagues from harm4

Analyze the benefits & Ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise in health and social care services5

Execution of policies, regulations and legislation & these policies and procedures can be developed6

Impact of these policies & theories & Analyze how social processes impact on health and social care services.7

Evaluate the effectiveness7


Own Role, Implementation & Recommendation8


Health and Social Care


Nowadays, we live with each other people from different social, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. We are suitable increasingly conscious of the fact that we exist in a multi-cultural and multinational society. Depending upon where we exist, work, or which forces we access in the community, we have seen changes to our communities over a period of time. We are more and more responsive of the dissimilarities and similarities among ourselves and others, in relation to; gender, age, religious beliefs, ethnicity, culture, and practices, social and economic status, disability, educational and occupational backgrounds, sexual orientation, health, and the impact of illness.

Due to these changes, different rules and legislations have been put in place to care for and protect care users from being discriminated against and to give them the best possible care. Due to varied services offered to the care users, it is important to have inter-professional working among different professionals providing service to them. The focus of care delivery has also become more holistic with care users social interactions and needs are taken into consideration during care planning and delivery. The care providers do face situations where an ethical dilemmas and conflicts do arise as they have to deal with people from varied backgrounds and experiences.


Principles of support & Outline the procedure for protecting patients and colleagues from harm

The minority problem is among the most devastating problem among all the problems above mentioned. There are numerous countries where minorities are living and their rights are being snatched by the majority. It happens mostly in under developing countries like African and few Asian countries. Health is the basic need and the primary right of a human being regardless of his/her orientation. Discrimination may be took place in health care institutions as well. This discrimination can take place. People do hate with each other on the basis of political and social differences. These differences take hype when it appears especially in health care industry, especially the social status differences. Providing health care is the basic responsibility of the state but if state is not fulfilling its duties in some areas of the world then the private sector take part in the industry and makes profits. It happens to be in numerous places worldwide where medical assistance is always being provided to only those people, who can only afford these bills of the health care. It is also reported just on basis of political differences or difference of opinions in some areas like sports, people from the health care industry discriminate the other ...
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