Health And Social Care

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The Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care

The Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care


1.1 Role of WHO, DH and Local Authorities in Identifying Health and Diseases

The WHO plays a key role in the worldwide administration of health and sickness in United Kingdom and all over the world (Meltzer, 2003, pp. 10-34). The role of WHO in UK is to provide leadership on matters discriminating to health and taking part in organizations where joint movement is required. The WHO also shapes the exploration program and animating the era, interpretation and scattering of significant information. The WHO is also active in UK for the identification of disease and their control, setting standards and principles and pushing and checking the execution of plans. The WHO is also providing the technical support for disease control (Wang et al. 2003, pp. 65-72).

The department of health and local organization are playing significant role for providing better health care services for cardiovascular diseases in UK. Primary care trusts are working under the supervision of local authorities and department of health which are operating 29 thousand general practitioners, and 18 thousand state clinics funded under the jurisdiction of other trusts (Meltzer, 2003, pp. 10-34). These departments are also providing emergency assistance to patients of heart diseases referred from other government agencies and the private sector. It is these local organizations together constitute the basis of the NHS and spend 80% of the total health budget. It is also a fact that the British NHS has now become the first State Organization that provides free health universal care for the cardiovascular disease (Meltzer, 2003, pp. 10-34). The Department of Health provides primary care trusts the right to use the tactics of outsourcing, that is, to use the services of private medical institutions to better allocation of resources. Moreover, NHS trusts control the operation of the majority of hospitals and are responsible for specialized medical care, particularly in the field of mental health. The role of these organizations is to provide high quality of services and management of budget funds (Meltzer, 2003, pp. 10-34). The Department of Health helps out some of its work through a safe distance bodies, incorporating non-departmental open figures for example NHS England, and local bureaus.

The DH led across healthcare by making national approaches and enactment, giving the lifelong vision and desire to meet current and future challenges. The DH also plays a vital role in the identification of disease and its control (Meltzer, 2003, pp. 10-34). The DH also plays a vital role in improvement and change by supporting research and engineering in the health sector.

1.2 HIV and Breast Cancer in the UK

The breast cancer has a lower survival rate in the UK. About 28% of women who had the most advanced stage of cancer survivors in the UK for three years after Series diagnosed the disease, compared to a rate of 42% in Sweden, according to ...
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