Health And Social Care

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Principles of Health and Social Care Practice

Principles of Health and Social Care


Role of WHOM, Department of health (DH) and Local Authorities

Maintenance of public health is one of the biggest concerns of any government and organization. Efforts in order to provoke awareness among population regarding behavior changes related to health, nutrition and physical activity have made. WHO emphasis on need of development of strategies in the corporation with the department of health and local health units, at Government levels to control obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mental illness. Being stakeholders: WHO has also promoted diet and physical activity at work place in UK (Griffiths, et al 2007). Department of health in UK aims to keep people healthy and active, live long by improving health care services. For this DH has published mandate to NHS in which board has to improve outcomes on NHS. This includes public health through which can improve wide determinants of health, NHS outcomes contain prevention of premature mortality and enhance the quality of life, Helping ill to recover, overall safeguarding health of people. Adult social care has focus on improvement of life quality and reduces patient incompliance, so they have a positive experience (Department of Health, England, 2012).Surveys have to be conducted by local authorities on a regular basis to improve the health of people and assure healthy environment. Counseling at community levels regarding mental health, use of tobacco, obesity control, drugs abuse, sexual transmitted diseases is done. Provision of clean water and air, better immunisation and healthy nutrition are also a priority of local authorities along with Department of health UK (HM Go, 2010).


Epidemiology of HIV and breast cancer in the UK

HIV is human immunodeficiency blood borne virus and leads to serious blood borne infections like AIDS (auto immune deficiency syndrome). According to Health Protection Agency (HPA) in 2011 around 1 lack people suffer from HIV in which about 73,400 have diagnosed while the rest are sufferers without diagnosis. Occurrence rate is more in MSM and heterosexual Africans, so emphases is on providing prevention methods and promote clinical examinations. Mostly diagnosis as 2009 statistical data shows done at an average age of 36 (inter quartile range 29-43) which shows low progression rate. Test for HIV through genitourinary medicine (GUM) is increasing, and number of people leaving clinics undiagnosed is decreasing day by day (Health Protection Agency 2009). Ratio of sufferers with proper treatment and care has increased from last ten years. However, prevalence is more in men 67% than women 33%. According to 2011 reports, out of those suspected of HIV infected 49% cases were due to Heterosexual contact, 43% men sex to men (MSM), drug injection 2%, transmission through mother to new born 2%, blood transfusion 1% and miscellaneous reasons 2% (NAT). Similarly, our human body has a normal cell growth process going on through which old cells are replaced by new cells. Breast has fat tissues, ducts and connective tissues present in it. Any abnormal change in the cells (BRCA1 and ...
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