Health And Social Care

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Management in Health and Social Care

Management in Health and Social Care

Factors that require to be taken into consideration when planning the recruitment of people to work at Health and social care

As mentioned by Foot & Hook (1999, pp.22-28) in his writing that for the purpose of recruitment of the available positions in an organisation, there are a number of factors that needs to be taken into consideration for instance setting up policy for recruitment, general objectives of recruitment, goals of the organisation, human resources guidelines of the organisation, governmental guiding principles, requirement for the organisation, laws pertaining for the position to be selected, costs related to the recruitment procedure and other monetary, legal and social propositions.

For instance, the St Patrick's nursing home should take into consideration the legislative framework of the country, the specific needs of the vacant positions, deciding the appropriate method for attracting the individuals, the health care quality standards, and the recruitment budget (Shei, 2010, pp.59-82).

The change in the recruitment and selection procedures and policies Health and Social care to fit with the wider legal context

Health and social care accordingly needs to make its recruitment and selection procedures fit into the legislative framework of United Kingdom. Foremost, St. Patrick's Nursing home should follow the equal employment law in that it should review its recruitment and selection procedures and policies to make sure that there is no biasness or prejudice in regards to gender, class or any other factor except the qualifications and proficiency of the applicants (ASPEN health centre, 1998, pp.01-08).

Other than the laws related to discrimination, the essentials of safety and quality provided by the care quality commission should be met. St. Patrick's should frame its recruitment and selections procedures and policies to make sure that they hire the competent and qualified people (NHS, n.d., pp.01-06).

Different methods that may be utilized to make sure the selection of the best individuals for Health and Social care

In order to make sure that the best employees are selected for Health and social care, the recruitment and selection process and approaches needs to be changed. Health and social care should employ advertising to make maximum people aware about the job vacancies. When a large number of people apply for a position there is a greater chance of hiring the best individual for that position. Different media including television, radio, newspaper, bus sides should be utilized for the advertisement purpose (Dale, 2007, pp.51-54).

To make sure that the best and the most competent individuals are selected, St. Patrick's nursing home should consider various techniques. This will help in saving the resources and time that is wasted by the selection of improper person. These techniques include apprenticeships, internships and work trials approaches to ensure that only the competent people are selected ultimately. Retention of previous employees can also be an approach to hire best individuals (Dale, 2007, pp.51-54).

Theories related to the way people interact in groups relative to the kinds of teams that function in health and social care

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