Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care

Newham Borough of London: Health and Social Care


The amalgamation of private and public infrastructure for care and service providers has established a complex matrix of provisions for participants in the healthcare sector. Recent studies present evidence with a holistic view and a wider approach. Interconnection between mental and physical provisions has created the impact of policies, programs and plans. All these provisions have wider impact on lives of wellbeing.

This report discusses about the health and social care provisions for one of the social determinants of the health. The policies and public health provisions are discussed in relations to the coronary heart diseases rising in the local setting of Newham (Campbell,, 2010). This has been implicitly discussed in the paper. The demographics of Newham, that is one of the growing borough of London presented strategies to reduce such health abnormalities in adults.

Coronary heart diseases are the main cause of death in the UK. The record information of the General Practice (GP) on the assessment of patients that may have stroke or CHD is very needful. This information is crucial to health but does not consider the population structure. It does not synchronize with the population structure and this may mismatch the observed prevalence for CHD n the borough of Newham. Developments of sustainable linked communities and public framework for these casualties are the subject matter of this coursework (Slade, 2010).


The Demographics of Newham

London Borough of Newham shares the neighborhood of the City of London and is home to River Thames, Olympic Park and hosted summer Olympics of 2012. It has one of the highest ethnic minorities of diverse districts. High levels of population churn include Asians, Africans and Arabs from distinct countries. It is one of the second most deprived districts in England. Newham is land of highly diverse population. Socioeconomic deprivation is one of the most substantial factors accounting for the poorer and depriving health outcomes at Newham. It has been suggested that community cohesion, poverty, education, physical environment, quality of housing, and income are linked to the health and wellness of people. The inhabitants residing here are rising and projected to continue this trend significantly. The demographics of this borough hold importance for its high proportion of working age individuals and lower proportion of older and younger dependents. In 2010, Greater London Authority (GLA) estimates and published 265,688 residents of Newham according to the data trends of population and housing (Rees et. al, 2012). The most disappointing fact lies that twenty out of twenty wards of Newham has been ranked in the 20% most deprived areas in the country in which eight of them were positioned in the 5% most deprived. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Annual Population Survey reported that Newham has accounted to 14.4% unemployment rate which is highest in London. This is higher and accelerating as compared to the 12% in Tower Hamlets, 10.8% in Hackney, and 8.6% in ...
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