Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care

Table of Contents



Roles of Healthcare Practitioners2

7 Principles for Health2

How Healthcare and Social Practice Play Crucial Role Within Community?4

Review Findings on What Needs To Happen4

How to Eliminate Disparities In Access Of Basic Healthcare6

Accessing Better Healthcare6




Health care provisions are essential for the survival and well-being of any society. In those societies where health care facilities are conveniently accessible to the common men, prosperity and harmony reigns supreme. The concept of health and social care is integrated together. Social care aims to develop abilities in people through which they can lead normal, independent lives like others. Social inclusion is a product of social care services. Social inclusion is a multifaceted approach that addresses whether everyone in a society meets the basics of life, as well as issues of income inequality and rising wage levels. Social inclusion and connectedness with the society can easily be linked with the mental and physical health of individuals.

This paper will study in detail, the various aspects related to health and social care in the lives of human beings. The study aims to establish the criteria of promoting and implementing health and social care services in the society at acceptable levels. We will see the importance of handling information in the context of health and social care while also discussing certain person-centered approaches. The necessity of safe guarding health and social care rights of individuals will also be discussed. We all know the significance of a social care or a health care worker in delivering reasonable health and social care services. This paper will elaborate their role as contributors to the wellness of the society. It will also discuss the need to engage in personal development provisions within the health care settings.


Roles of Healthcare Practitioners

The challenges faced by communities, individuals, and families are being resolve by highly skilled human resource, health visitors. With the improvement in relationship of health and security of pregnancy and infancy and health throughout the life, there is an improvement in quality of services of health visitors. Health visitors perform key roles in assessment of needs that are needed to be delivered to families and children and in organizing these deliveries. They facilitate knowledge sharing between children, families and health care professional. Health visitors provide support to families who are vulnerable conditions or need added support (Action on Health Visiting Programme, 2009, p.5-10). Bases of health visitor's skills are: motivating an knowledge of health needs, influencing policies disturbing health, seek for health requirements, and facilitating health attractive activities.

7 Principles for Health

Drink eight glasses of water. According to experts, this is not optional, it is mandatory if you want your brain to function optimally. And if we are stressed, we should increase to 16 glasses of water a day. The 90 percent of the volume of the brain is composed of water and is the main vehicle for the electrochemical transmissions.

Oxygenise. Exercise, quit the field. Before an important meeting or a job that requires concentration deep ...
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