Health And Social Care

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Faculty of Health and Social Care

Faculty of Health and Social Care

Patch 1: The 'Culture' in Complex Organizations

The culture in any organization is not only composed of the written rules and regulations, but it extends to include the daily rituals, symbols, routines and the stories of the organization, which are made and shared by the staff members as well as the patients. It should be noted that the overall culture is not only formed by the various elements but all of these are also affected by that, thus deciding the essential and defining factors and deciding which elements are essential for the organization and which are not. The following paragraphs highlight two most essential and important factors of the culture of NHS, which reveal essential points regarding the organization:


There are hundreds of thousands of stories of NHS, which include the stories regarding manners in which patients are benefitted by the services offered and the stories of the medical practitioners, which highlight their dedication and passion for work. I have personally observed a number of patients getting benefitted by the National Health Services each year, with their issues ranging from non-complicated medial issue to complex psychological issues, which need medical as well as psychological treatment (Barrett , Sellman and Thomas , 2005, Pp: 95). It is eminent to mention here that these stories are publically published and made known to public, so that other can benefitted by the experience of other people and in addition, I have observed that dedication and hard work of the medical practitioners can be appreciated by making them known to public and allowing people to know the ways in which they are serving their patients.

I have personally observed a few such stories include the story of Katie's story, who was suffering from extreme Anorexia Nervosa at the age of 14 and had reached the extent that she started having sever medical problems. When her psychological problems reached the peak, she had to be admitted to the hospital and was subject to cognitive therapy sessions, after which she started getting back to normal life and resumed her eating schedule as well. Similarly, I observed the case of Paul, who suffered from last stages of Arthritis, which caused his knees to swell and hurt, thus bringing him to the hospital under NHS, where he was treated using medicine as well as exercise, finally assisting him in getting back to life.

Organizational Structure

NHS is the largest health care organization operating since 1948, and is providing health care services to all the individuals, with the sole criterion being their need and their ability to make the payment. It is eminent to mention here that the service includes social care services, mental health services, the NHS hospitals as well as the transport and the ambulance services. I have observed that service is headed by the department of Health, assisted by the modernization agency and the special health authorities. The strategic health authorities and the local NHS performance management ...
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