Health And Safety

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace

Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace

Task 1: Health & Safety Policy Manual, Risk Assessment and Organogram

Health and Safety Policy Manual and Risk Assessment

This paper intends to discuss the highlight the significance of health and safety policies as implemented by various organisations in the health and social care segment for the benefit or overall organizational wellbeing, primarily through developing health and safety policy manual for health and social care workplace. Health and safety manual is basically derived from national as well as international architecture pertaining to health and safety legislations and standards as they are not only effective but comprehensive as well thereby ensuring healthy and safe working environment. The domain of safety and health remains extremely important in today's world for the success of businesses regardless of the industry an organisation is serving in but in the industry of health and social care, this dimension experiences increased weightage. It is in the light of this that the area of occupational health and safety has evolved and we increasingly see organisations embracing the concept of environment, health and safety (EHS), even establishing altogether separate department by the same name in their organisations to look over the related and concerned matters.

Healthy and safe working environment is particularly important in health and social care settings because health and social care organisations are associated and deals with customers who are vulnerable more often than not. Whether it is palliative care provider, end of life care provider, or even such industries as pharmaceutical industry that comes under healthcare industry deals with customers, consumers or service users who are vulnerable, more than any other industry's customer segment. This signifies the importance of health and safety policy manual in the health and social care settings because health and safety policies not only ensure the safety and health of employees, but in doing so it also positively impacts the health and safety of its stakeholders and customers invariably. Health and safety policy manual primarily incorporates health and safety systems, policies and procedures which are ingrained in the culture so as to communicate to the employees in the workplace effectively.

Health and social care is domain is diverse involving numerous subs segments as also highlighted. For this particular task, the focus will be on pharmaceutical sector where not only customers are imperative to be granted health and safety but employees are also exposed to significant risks as injurious chemicals, indicating the need for robust health and safety policy manual in this sector. This task will be done in the light of this fact. The basic motive of safety and health is to ensure that employees work in a safer environment, which is provided through employers showing acknowledgement of prevailing health hazards and taking proactive measures to ensure safety of employees against those health hazards that could surface in the business operation. The Occupational Safety and Health is basically intended to create ...
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