Health Advocacy Campaign

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Health Advocacy Campaign

Health Advocacy Campaign


Nurses as Health Advocates

When we elaborate the responsibilities and duties of a nurse practitioner, we often list down promotion of health, development, well being and growth. They also maintain the quality of life when death is inevitable. Additionally, they also minimize agony, pain, distress and suffering. Nurses also perform the role of a counselor in terms of advocacy. Advocacy, in literal terms, means the act or art of speaking on behalf of someone else. In other words, advocacy is a technique which enables the nurse practitioner to enable, empower and work with patient while voicing their opinions and emotions to the world and vice versa. The communication between the key elements of the society is the basis of advocacy (RCN, 2013).


An Effective Health Advocate

To be an effective health advocate, and health care professional has to understand that the pillars of advocacy are physical, spiritual and emotional support. A good health advocate also empowers dependent people to stand on the feet and overcome their weaknesses. This is done by morally motivating and making them believe in themselves. Their focus is extended beyond a single person. They also focus on the family and friends of the affected. This is a role that has to be played with great attention and care. Even a single misstep would lead to mistrust (RCN, 2013). A positive attitude towards surroundings radiates from an ideal and effective health advocate. An individual or an organization will not only approach such an advocate for the dressing of external wound but will also seek their services for their emotional distress.

Population Health Issue and the Population Affected By This Issue.

The selected population that will be focused in this paper is the returning veterans from battlefields like Iraq and Afghanistan. The point of concern is that they are already crowded with the clouds of distress, culture shock, constant state of War and home sickness. If controlled well, the veterans return clean. But if they are not guided properly and the health advocates in the region are not able to perform well, these veterans fail to cope with the environment. They are often subjected to troubles such as mental disorders, substance abuse, excessive guilt and even suicidal tendency.

These issues are not only a matter of concern for the family and friends, but also for the government back home. The government of United States of America is working hard to cope up with the constant loss of the asset of the society. A number of advocacy programs have been started at both private and governmental level.

Existing Veteran Advocacy Programs

Advocacy efforts for the veterans are provided by a number of organizations including

American Legion- This program itself is a veteran in the field of advocacy for the War returning veterans. This program was chartered by the Congress in 1919.

AMVETS- This organization has its roots as old as 1948. They have been serving the honorable veterans of the nation.

Disabled American Veterans- This program is working for about nine decades, ...
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