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Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety


Health and safety measures have to be follow in order to maintain the rules of the government. These rules are for the betterment of the humanity because it involves basic health and safety precautions. These precautions are designed to prevent the public from any unhappy incident. In order to run an auto spares store the owner of the store has to follow all the necessary precautions.

The spare store usually contains paint, hardware tools, and some electric items. The owner of the store may sell electric items but the owner has to take the certificate of basic electrician to legally sell electric products like switches, electric panels, bulbs etc (Adam, 2013, pp. 69). The items should be placed in proper order, it makes easy for the employees as well as the client to locate the products.


The scenario is based on auto spare shop in which paints, hardware and electric items are available. There are 6 employees working over here directed by the owner of the shop Mr. Jones. The owner of the shop is violating the laws of mixing flammable substance in the basement. The basement is a closed environment in which the employees mix the paint (Chambers, 2013, pp. 8). The mixing of flammable liquid on large extent may cause any miserable incident. There is no fire extinguisher present at the shop. Emergency exit is not present in the shop, and it may cause any mishap.

The owner is violating the laws and hires a school going boy according to the employer responsibility section Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The boy use to do odd jobs in a shop. There is no any ventilation system present at the basement, which makes difficult the process of respiration. Mr. Jones do not have proper working permit to work on electrical equipments. Mr. Jones did not take precautionary measures and proper equipments for the task. Mr Jones is violating the laws of the British government and breaking the law “responsibility of the employer section 2, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Risk of health assessment

In a work place, the employees have to assess the risk factor. The steps of assessing the risk are hazard identification, conclude who may be damage and how, use precautions to avoid the risks, verify the findings of risks, and assessment review. In this scenario of the shop of Mr. Jones, the health and safety inspector may apply the protection of consumer act Section 6(10) Act 1987.



It is a case of auto spares, which consists of two floors. The owner of the shop Mr. Jones does not follow the health and safety protocols and doing business in the middle of town. Mixing of paint in a closed environment increases the risk of accidents because paint easily catches fire. The usage of chemical substances which are dangerous for health is not allowed without safety precautions according to (COHSS 2002), Section ...
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