Gun Control In U.S

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Gun Control in U.S

Gun Control in U.S


Gun Control politics in the United States has been the most recent controversial issues in the society. This controversy is based on the right to possess and carry a firearm established by the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States , however, the legislative branch of each federal state , and to some extent local governments may make laws and ordinances governing the possession and carrying of firearms, concealed or not (Wagner and Machnowski, 2011). The purpose of this amendment was to protect the common public and wellbeing from crime and eliminate violence in the society. Insufficient restrictions and control on gun purchasing has affected many people in the United States especially children who are increasingly involved in criminal activities and increase violence in society.

Thesis Statement

Insufficient control and restrictions on access to gun purchasing has high effect on the increasing crime and violence in the United States.


The second amendment of the Constitution of the United States certifies that each American citizen has the right to possess and carry a firearm. However, this right is not really available to all citizens, and some cannot access them if they do not meet certain criteria. Furthermore, despite what people may think, the United States legislation concerning firearms has never been as strict as now (Fox, 2004).

The sale of firearms in the United States is called counter, however laws has not restricted this freedom in the state. Laws corresponding to these restrictions are not all the same in all states and are more or less stringent. These laws range from almost total ban on guns in Washington DC, to the outlawing of entire classes of firearms in many states as for example New Jersey has much strict laws and control on the sale of firearms.

This situation is explained by the variety of factors that affect the problematic of the mastery of firearms. Among these, one can distinguish two main factors: natural factor and demographic factors (the urban areas opposed to rural areas even within a single state). The first state to have passed legislation to control these weapons was the State of New York in 1911. Sullivan introduced historic legislation purchase authorizations and permits detention and port for handguns. Its Efficiency has been limited by traffic from other states. In total there are more than 40,000 federal laws controlling the port of firearms in the United States eleven major federal laws. This law prohibits persons under trial or judgment, incurring a penalty of more than one year, the fugitives, dealer's drug and illegal immigrants to buy or carry a firearm. It also prohibits the sale by mail order of firearms between residents of different states (Annest, 1995).

Some laws are widespread, including saying that parents are legally responsible if their children have access to their weapons and use them as it has been adopted by about 16 states (of the 50 states that constitute the United States). But these regulations are of course not ...
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