Guillermo Del Toro

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Guillermo Del Toro

Guillermo Del Toro


Hollywood has to its credit bringing into light and giving the movie buffs some remarkable directors. These movie directors fall into different categories based on the genre of movies they make. My favorite director is Guillermo Del Toro who has to his credit films that are best known for their vision such as The Devil's Backbone, Pan's Labyrinth. In addition, he has also made a name for himself as a director of action films such as Hellboy and Blade II (Gilsdorf, 2011). Guillermo Del Toro is a very creative and multitalented man in that he is not only a renowned director but also a producer, video game designer, creative consultant, screenwriter, and a novelist of substance.


Guillermo Del Toro is a director par excellence. This is reflected in his ability to create plots, recreate them and retell them in interesting ways. His latest passion is to retell the tale beauty and the best. The movie is said to case Emma Watson as the star cast. This purely reflects the intelligence and clever decision making on the part of the director. Emma Watson is the star cast or the lead female character of the world famous Harry Potter series. She has more fans than any other girl her age and has the beauty and the depth to fit the character perfectly. this is one of the remarkable traits of my favorite director, he knows exactly who to cast and for which role.

other than Emma Watson's fame as Hermione Granger, she is also widely known for her performance in Bridget Jones's Diary, The Three Musketeers. She is well suited for the fairytale (Wloszczyna, 2011).

The genius of the director is also reflected in the action sequences. The movie Pacific Rim had giant creatures. Managing the action sequence between monsters and robots is not something easy. The movie vows for some real action. The movie is based on the Japanese Kaiju theme and the execution of the film would not have been possible without the imaginative mind and directive skills possessed by Guillermo Del Toro. Del Toro selected Tokyo for the direction of the film and the set design reflects the rationale behind it (Gilsdorf, 2011). However, several locations in Hong Kong, San Francisco and Australia were also selected. These, in the opinion of the director, were essential to give the film a sense of danger it so required.

Del toro relates his experience of directing the action sequences for the film. “We take the battles far and above! Two or three of them happen in places where there have never been a battle between kaiju and robots. From the bottom of the ocean to the atmosphere of the Earth. We have a battle in a storm at sea. Every battle we try to do differently. One is seen from the point of view of a single person. We never cut away from that point of view.”

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