Growth Hormone And Its Impact On The Patients With Poor Response To Ivf

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Growth hormone and its impact on the patients with poor response to IVF

Growth hormone and its impact on the patients with poor response to IVF


In this paper, the author will examine the effects of giving GH to patients with previous poor response to IVF. It is reviewed that growth hormone helps to improve birth rates in women undergoing ovulation induction prior to IVF. However, there is some evidence of increased rates of pregnancy and birth in women with a history of poor response to IVF. Further research is needed (VandeVoort, 2008). In this paper, the author will examine different aspects of Growth hormone and its impact on the patients with poor response to IVF.

In an effort to improve outcomes of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles the use of growth hormone (GH) has been considered. Most studies investigate the role of GH in normally ovulating infertile women but there is also an interest in the effect of GH on women who respond poorly to ovulation induction and IVF.To assess the effectiveness of GH or growth hormone releasing (GRF) adjuvant therapy, primarily in terms of improving livebirth rate, for women undergoing ovulation induction prior to IVF in (a) patients with no previous history of poor response and (b) patients with a history of poor response..

Growth hormone (GH), also caned somatotroprin, was first characterized in the early 1910s by Dr. Harvey Cushing, who proposed its existence during case studies performed at Johns Hopkins University. These studies showed evidence that the primary action of this hormone was to control and promote skeletal growth (Cushing, 1912). Evans and Long (1922) demonstrated the presence of a substance in the anterior pituitary gland that increased the growth rate of rats. Later, GH was first isolated in pure form, from beef pituitaries and was found to be a protein containing tyrosine, tryptophan; and glutamic acid residues. Growth hormone protein was identified in ox anterior pituitaries as a 46,000 Da, and was' found in humans and monkeys to have a molecular weight of 27,100 Da and 25,400 Da, respectively (Howles, 1999).

Growth hormone, considered the primary regulator of somatic growth, is mainly produced in the anterior pituitary by somatotropes. In addition, there are positive and negative feedback mechanisms within the somatotropic axis which regulate reproductive function. Two hypothalamic hormones are the primary regulator factors of GH: growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatotastin (SRIF) (Suikkari, 1996). GHRH stimulates GH, and SRIF inhibits GH release. Both hypothalamic hormones are influenced by a network of neurotransmitters and extra-hypothalamic factors responsible for the pulsatile release of GH into the circulation, where it is rapidly associated with GH binding proteins (GHBPs). After travelling into the bloodstream, GH can bind to the GH receptor (GH-R) on target cells and initiate the secondary messenger system (Hassan, 2001).

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the fertilization of an ovum and the initial development of an embryo outside a woman's body. The term literally means "fertilization in glass," and reference occasionally is made to "test-tube babies," although petri dishes and not ...
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