Human Growth Hormone

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Human Growth Hormone


The paper tries to explore the concept of Human Growth Hormone in a holistic context. The paper discusses the effectiveness and risks of Human Growth Hormone and also analyzes a research study on it.

Human Growth Hormone


Human growth hormone (hGH, human Growth Hormone) is produced in the human pituitary, stimulates protein synthesis and consequently favors the development of muscles and bones. So accelerates the growth of tissues and organs, especially bone, heart and liver. It is also essential for its important action on the metabolism, promoting the use of fat stores for energy.

Human growth hormone (somatropin, also referred to as growth hormone, comatotropin, somatropin, growth hormone) (Getropin) produced by the pituitary gland and is composed of a chain of 191 amino acids. When we are young, growth hormone in his body is responsible for the proper growth of bones, muscles and other tissues. Too little of this hormone, the man is a midget ... If you produced a lot of this hormone, we become giants and / or suffering from an ugly development due to abnormal growth. When a person grows older, growth hormone (Getropin) is responsible for maintaining muscle mass, healthy immune system response, regulates the metabolic processes involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and healthy body composition in later life, as well as maintains and repairs the skin and other tissues (Stokes 2005, 409).

Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, Insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) produced by the liver primarily in response to growth hormone. Somatostatin produced by the hypothalamus - a part of the brain, and inhibits pituitary growth hormone, resulting in a:

Increase in fat mass.

Reduction in muscle mass.

Deterioration and properties of the skin that causes a person looks old.

Decrease in bone density, development osteoproza.

Decreased sex drive.

Reduce physical and mental abilities.

Sleep disturbance and insomnia.

Depression and fatigue.

Acceptance of human growth hormone at the age of 35 years may reverse or improve these symptoms in most people who resort to such therapy. That is why the human growth hormone is also called the "fountain of youth." The use of growth hormone can make the lives of older people better, and also has some great effects for bodybuilders.

A deficiency of growth hormone causes a condition called pituitary dwarfism. This hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain. The injection of growth hormone has been used to treat it. Animal growth hormones having proved ineffective, it was necessary to resort to human growth hormone hGH extracted from pituitary glands of human beings after their death. This has two drawbacks: - The amount of hormones and collected was insufficient to handle all cases (two cases); - These human samples could contain infectious agents (Creutzfeldt-Jacob), HIV present in the donor and not detected. 

Dwarfism is a condition that results from the absence of a growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Its inadequacy prevents children from reaching a size. If this deficiency is diagnosed early enough, we can ...
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