Group Proposal

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Group Proposal

Group Proposal

Part I: Background

Potential Problem of the Group

My group will be dealing with the problem of substance abuse. Substance abuse is the unsupervised use of drug (substance) which is not approved my medical specialists. Substance abuse may involve a large variety of drugs ranging from psycho-active to mood-altering and even performance enhancing drugs, like steroids. The use of illicit drugs like cannabis, cocaine, heroin, glues, narcotics and others are also in substance abuse (Hart & Ksir, 2002).

According to Medline's medical encyclopedia the definition of drug abuse is "the use of illicit drugs or abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are indicated or in a manner or in quantities other than directed" (Buddy, 2013). Although, when the term substance abuse is used, it refers to the abuse of illegal drugs; but any substance that is used in excess - alcohol, cigarettes, coffee -.can be incorporated in substance abuse.

Substance abuse is one of the widespread and emerging problems of society. People under the influence of this condition may turn to crime or become non-social (Hart & Ksir, 2002). Drug abuse can also cause personality disorders and many psychological problems that pose a threat to the basic fabric of a society. It may also cause criminal punishment; the severity of which is determined by the local jurisdictions. In many instances, drug abuse is a source of psychological, physical and social for the individual.

Keeping in view the harmful effects of substance abuse on the individual and society as a whole; it is important to form groups which can rehabilitate the suffering individuals. Research suggests that various forms of behavioral therapies and community reinforcement programs are beneficial in treating substance abuse patients (Chambless et al., 1998; O'Donohue & Fergusen 2006).

Literature Review

Dealing with substance abuse patients is a difficult task for counselors and they have to face many challenges during the group proceedings. On the other hand, some of the group therapy procedures might cause uneasiness, anxiety or stress to the participants of the group, as well. It is very important that the relationship between the client and the counselor is healthy and constructive. In this part, I will discuss some of the problems faced by the participants and councilors in the group sessions.


This phenomenon means the transfer of feelings of the experience of the client to the councilor or vice versa. In some cases, the councilors are themselves former abusers and the interaction of clients may result in the repeat of old memories. Clients share their problems and daily difficulties with the councilors, who can identify them (Kahn, 1991). If the client has suffered abuse as a child, he/she may see the counselor as threatening or commanding. Some clients may attach special feelings with the counselor. The clients suffering from low self-esteem and guilt may be reluctant to share their problems.

Counter Transference

This factor points the effect that the responses of councilors have on the clients. If the councilors project their own insecurities or unresolved ...
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