Group Observational Experience

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Group observational experience

Group observational experience


An intervention study, also called experimental study is an epidemiological study analytical , prospective, characterized by the artificial manipulation factor study by the investigator and by the randomization or randomization of cases or subjects into two groups called control and experimental. The characteristic of randomization is not essential in the pilot study, then calling quasi-experimental study.

Medicine and Technology has advanced greatly in recent years. All these developments help build a more humane society in which man can more fully develop their capabilities. New discoveries and work on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases have been made ??possible thanks in part to the research and tests on humans.

This paper aims on observational experience based on group development theory and Neumann's Model and various criteria are observed accordingly.


Nursing as a professional discipline is a recent development, and that makes its own body of knowledge from research Florence Nightingale who performed the early work that marks the origin of the profession and determines the core from which science unfolds Nurse (Neuman & Fawcett, 2012). From this basis a series of models aimed at improving nurse-seat treatment, this need arises from the "model systems" Betty Neuman are created. For further investigation of this model aims to develop the following occur:

Identify the purpose of the model.

Knowing the origin of the model.

To describe the model, its key concepts and definitions and assumptions.

Relate the applicability of the model with the function of nursing and occupational field.

Analogies between the systems model (Bette Neuman) and the model of nursing (Roper, Logan and Tierney).

Identify delivery model contributions to the work of nurses.

Research is one of the tools used by man for the procurement, acquisition and incorporation of new knowledge in order to develop the intellect to its maximum capacity. Building your own learning is essential when facing new challenges and develops as a professional. In order to develop this tool is delivered to us the possibility of research through which constituted the collection and analysis of information about the "model systems".

History of the author

Betty Neuman was born in 1924 in Ohio. He finished his studies at the School of Nursing Peoples Hospital, Ohio, 1947. He worked in various places in California as a hospital nurse, director of nursing, a school nurse, company nurse and clinical instructor at the Medical Center of the University of Southern California. He graduated in Public Health and Psychology, 1957, completed a master's degree in mental health and public health, 1966 at UCLA, received his doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Western Pacific in 1985 (Gigliotti, 2012).

At UCLA, created a community mental health program for nurses with graduate level. He developed his first explicit and practical model for mental health consultation in the late 1960s. In 1970 designed a conceptual model for nursing, which was published at the beginning of the decade and in 1972 published his book "The Neuman Systems Model: Application to Nursing Education and ...
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