2. Diagrams of theoretical conceptualisation of supervision4
3. Concept of Supervision6
Developmental Approaches to Supervision12
Clinical Supervision - The Seven-Eyed Model
1. Learning process and learning achieved
Life is a never ending learning experience. One of the most important lessons we can ever learn from comes from within. As we go through life, it is essential that we learn who we are, and have the ability to recognize and grow from our own personal strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what we are good at and what we are weak in is the only way we can truly grow as individuals. This knowledge helps us to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves in life.
Motivation is the heart of teaching and learning process and learning achieved. Thus motivation refers to the state in which a harnesses his person behavior for certain goals. However, motivation is one of the most important components of learning. It holds a pivotal role in the teaching learning process. Though a teacher's level of motivation occupies a very important position it always depends on the students' level of motivation which plays even more role in the cycle of teaching learning process. Understanding the process of learning is important to educators in order to create an optimal learning environment. Learning is a complex process that not one scientist or group of other educated individuals has been able to accurately define in a one hundred percent universally accepted way. It is known that learning involves the absorption of new information and change in behavior; however, there are many different approaches to describing how, when, and why this process is carried through. Like most concepts dealing with the human mind, learning has been broken down into different types and styles. In today's modern world, our thinking is largely transmitted by speech through radio and television. As the world now undergoes through the process of globalization, English has become the international language.
A co-operative learning strategy can be used to emphasise co-operation rather than competition in learning. This strategy involves joint participation by all members of a group in achieving a learning goal where each member contributes to the learning process. In recent years studies have found that co-operative learning is associated with enhanced student outcomes, including increase in self-esteem, better academic performance, friendships among classmates and improved interethnic perceptions. There are many different kinds of ways that people learn. People can adjust the way they learn to the different situations in which they are learning and what they have to learn. One form of learning is known as conditioning. Conditioning emphasizes the relationship between stimuli and responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. Learning and learning achieved may occur in different ways. Psychologists have distinguished between different types of learning, these being Observational Learning and Insight Learning. Through learning, people develop the most when they are able to identify and cultivate their individual strengths ...