Group Decision Making Process

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Group Decision Making Process

Group Decision Making Process


Managers not only have to supervise as well they have to make smart decisions when it comes to problems or issues in general in order to keep his or her department running smoothly. There are many different decision making approaches, but in this particular assignment only two will be discussed and they are rational and bounded rationality. When making decisions that will affect others, it is important to use the right approach as well as come to a decision that will take care of the problem or solve the issue. This paper will also discuss how a group of nursing home administrators and an infection control officer has come across an increasing rate of infection at a nursing home. The nursing home is at risk for fines if it continues to have this problem and the administrators need to come up with a way to handle this problem.

With this particular situation, the administrators need to be aware of how any changes will affect the patients as well as the employees. Many managers' decision making will be rational, meaning that they will make logical and consistent choices to maximize value (Robbins, Decenzo, and Coulter 2011). While the majority of managers already have their own process to make decisions, so do not and they face many problems due to lack of knowledge in reference to decision making. Rational decision making will lead to selecting alternatives that maximize the likelihood of achieving the goal and are made in the best interest of the company. However, they are not really realistic, so many times those types of decision do not help the company or more thought has to be put into the decisions for them to work. A more realistic approach would be the concept of bounded rationality, which says that managers make decisions rationally, but are limited by their ability to process information (Robbins, Decenzo, and Coulter 2011). This process is important because these decisions are able to be accepted because it is a better likelihood that they can be implemented to help with the issue. This decision making approach is better made by a group than by an individual because no one has had experience with this type of situation before and have not definite answer as to how to eliminate the situation completely without it happening again. They all are being realistic about the fact that infection is going to always be an issue, but it should not get out of hand and be kept low as possible. The advantages of group decision-making are that everyone's opinion counts and are agreed upon as well as there are more alternative brought to the table as oppose to just one. Some disadvantages of group decision making are that they are time-consuming because everyone in the group has to get together away from their actual duties to come up with solutions. Group decision making also can be difficult if everyone cannot agree and ...
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