Group And Individual Job Diagnosis

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Group and Individual Job Diagnosis

Group and Individual Job Diagnosis


The work-related stress is a phenomenon that not only grows but also affects all sectors and all occupational categories. The effects it produces on health and the ability to work of individuals (workers, managers) and so therefore on firm performance, have led to regard it as the "new" evil affecting business organization. However, stress is still a taboo subject for many, not blameless. It is important to demystify the "evil" and to educate people about the dangers it can present if not taken seriously. 

Tasty Farm is a company that is known for healthy agricultural products. The workers working in the shipping and packaging department need to work excessive hours to fulfill the demands of the customers, therefore, considering their work stress in terms of salary and other benefits is on the minimum side. The author's main focus in this study is to highlight the importance of workers and to figure out whether the working conditions and environment appropriate for the workers.From this perspective, the purpose of this paper is to highlight not only some of its causes, but especially the way it manifests itself, in order to be able to detect it as early as possible, before reaching too far advanced and therefore more difficult to manage (Wong, et. al., 2006).


The main causes of work-related stress

It has been noticed that companies must cope with various changes that are aware of their surroundings, causing them more adaptable and therefore flexibility. So fierce international competition, a faster pace of innovation (both in terms of technologies that work organization), or environmental constraints mean that knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly and it is becoming longer necessary for workers to update their skills. In this context, may feel overwhelmed and even threatened, workers are increasingly vulnerable to stress in the shipping and packaging department.

Causes, i.e. stressors may be many, each of which may also react in different ways to these stressors. Among the most common causes, by remaining in that idea of ??change, new situations that are upsetting the daily contingencies that need to cope and adapt schedules that are upset all the time. Note that in the case of stress related to the use of new technologies, another big change, talk more specifically techno stress (Volti, 2008).

Another major stressor is the time. Indeed, more and more time to meet short, an adjustment period between two changes to also be as short as possible in order to face such competition, as many events that maintain the worker in the confined emergency and therefore ultimately can have adverse effects on its ability to adapt and therefore its effectiveness at work.

Another of the most important stressors involves uncertainty, uncertainty about the future. This factor may also take serious proportions when it concerns the role, place in the company, the tasks and goals of workers (Toch, et. al., 2002).

How to manifest the work-related stress

The manifestations of stress are biological, psychological and behavioral. But depending on the case and individuals, stress responses can vary, making it more difficult to ...
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