Grant Proposal

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Grant Proposal

Grant Proposal

In order to improve the quality of education in the educational institute, it is necessary to implement some changes in the system. Research carried out has concluded that one of the most beneficial changes could be to implement an information technology system that would help instructors to improve the quality of education imparted to students and at the same time help student to develop their skills in the field of information technology. The importance of this field can be judged by the fact that in almost every business, information technology plays a vital role without which the progress made by several businesses may not have been possible.


The objective of implementing this proposal is to broaden the understanding of students about information technology and its application in the professional world. The increase in use and importance of information technology has led a need to make students aware about it is and also give them an experience which will help them to develop their professional career.


The objectives of this proposal is to have an information technology department ready for students within a year where students can be taught this subject from basic to advanced level. Although it will be implemented within a year during which 25% of the students will use the system, the entire process will be completed in 3 years. This infrastructure will require the latest devices and components since this field is changing at a fast pace and it is important to keep students aware of the developments of this field and provide them an experience that will help them to achieve success.


The implementation of this new field of study into the current course is an important aspect of the long term plan of the institute in order to provide a learning environment where students will be exposed to information technology since it is an important aspect of everyday life especially in the professional world (ICCATE & Thaung, 2012).

In the previous meeting it was decided that every student should be provided a laptop or any other device that would facilitate them in their studies and at the same time give them the required training and exposure to the gadgets of information technology. This would lead to dual benefits. Firstly, education would become more interesting and less troublesome for the students as well as the teachers since they would have access to all reading material on the institutes portal. ...
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