[Cause and effects of variations in construction projects from the client and contractors perspective]
I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
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In this study we try to explore the concept of cause and effects of variations in construction projects from the client and contractors perspective in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on cause and effects of variations in construction projects from the client and contractor's perspective and its relation with cause and effects of variations. The research also analyzes many aspects of cause and effects of variations in construction projects from the client and contractor's perspective and its relation with and tries to gauge its effect on cause and effects of variations. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for cause and effects of variations in construction projects from the client and contractor's perspective and its relation with and tries to describe the overall effect of variations.
Table of Contents
Variations and variation orders9
Potential effects of variation orders10
Progress is affected but without any delay10
Increase in project cost10
Hiring new professionals10
Increase in overhead expenses11
Delay in payment11
Quality degradation12
Productivity degradation12
Procurement delay12
Rework and demolition13
Logistics delays.13
Damage to firm's reputation13
Poor safety conditions13
Poor professional relations14
Additional payments for contractor.14
Disputes among professionals14
Completion schedule delay15
Potential Causes of Variations15
Consultant Related Variations17
Chapter [number]: Literature Review
The high living standard in Singapore has generated many employment opportunities in the manufacturing and building sectors. The growth of satellite towns has accelerated as a result of high population growth. Large and complex projects have been built, attracting contractors from all over the world. Most of these contractors appear to lack a sufficient understanding of the social, cultural and physical dynamics of Singapore. This situation, coupled with inexperienced owners, has led to inadequate designs resulting in many changes to plans, specifications, and contract terms.
Variations are inevitable in any construction project (Ibbs et al., 2001). Needs of the owner may change in the course of design or construction, market conditions may impose changes to the parameters of the project, and technological developments may alter the design and the choice of the engineer. The engineer's review of the design may bring about changes to improve or optimize the design and hence the operations of the project. Furthermore, errors and omissions in engineering or construction may force a change. All these factors and many others necessitate changes that are costly and generally un-welcomed by all parties.
Variations in drawings and contract documents usually lead to a change in contract price or contract schedule. Variations also increase the possibility of contractual disputes (O'Brien, 1998). Typically, variations present problems to all the parties involved in ...