Grade One Learning

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Aspects of Grade One Education, Teaching and Learning

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Aspects of Grade One Education, Teaching and Learning


It is the basic phenomena that a child starts his first learning from his mother's lap. Absolutely, there is no doubt about it but when it comes to practical learning it is the basic right of every child to acquire the basic learning from school. A school and especially a classroom is the most effective place from where the student acquires his basic learning through quality teaching and education. The type of teaching and education that dwells in a classroom determines the effectiveness of school and its proper management. In the past the teaching methodologies in the school were same for every school and for every class level. With time the need for specific and different education and teaching methodologies arose. This need has been vastly adopted by schools across the world. Schools are managing their teaching staff and planning and making affective decisions in accordance to the newly recognized need. Every teacher has a different style of working and teaching. No doubt this variety helps in providing valuable learning to the students every day, but recently the basic concern has been aroused to improve the educational and teaching methodologies of the students in the primary classes. The special concern and attention to the primary level education is because it is the level from where the student get hold of his first learning, and to give strapping basic learning primary level education is getting much attention these days. Different strategies, methodologies and learning styles have been developed recently to improve the aspects of teaching; learning and education of students at the primary level such as class one.

Grade One Teaching, Learning and Education

For a child, grade one is the start of an exciting and interesting journey of learning. Some children are anxious and bumpy going to school alone for the very first time while other are prolific with the joy of meeting other children, attending the classroom session and enhancing their learning. Grade one learning and teaching is the most amalgamated challenge for both the teachers and the parents. Parents on their part are terrified with the challenge of choosing the best grade one school for their child. Every school has its own style of management and teaching (Halliwell, 1993, pp.2-161). At times the students do not get along with the teaching style and environment of a particular school and such circumstances may damage the mental stability and capability of a child basic learning. Therefore, it is important for the parents to ascertain whether their chosen school is suitable for their child or not.

Similarly for the teachers, teaching the students of grade one is a big challenge. The challenge is not because handling such young children from the age of 4-6 is complicated. The actual challenge lie in the type of teaching and education the teachers deliver to such young ...
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