Governmental Accountability Office

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Governmental Accountability Office

Governmental Accountability Office

Governmental Accountability Office

Government Accounting Office is basically an independent federal agency of the United States of America. The organization has been working in collaboration with the executive wing of the Congress to promote and encourage the implementation of the needed reforms related to the government wide management of the country. The main purpose of the organization is to strengthen the financial system management, improve the domain of information technology, and implement practices in the country that mare more result oriented. The GAO is involved in more important activities that are for the purpose of bringing improvements in the system, and shape a focus on the accountability and performance of the processes going on in the United States of America (Bernstein, 2001). One of the major strategies of the organization includes the human capital strategies, which basically include the significant and sustainable administration reforms across the government of the country. The mission of GAO is to make sure the accuracy, reliability and timely financial services for the government.

Executive Summary

The Governmental Accounting Office found is accountable for the activities in the financial system of the United States of America. The children with disabilities look numerous longstanding challenges to access services that might help them. The funding agency officials in the research reflected that there was a lacking in the outcome of the goals related to the transitioning of disable students (GAO, 2012).

Purpose of the Summary

The executive summary discussed in the paper is aimed to provide the insights of the Governmental Accounting Office. The purpose of this study was to offer free appropriate communal education to all the special children (children with disabilities). The aim was to assist the organizations with creating and operating complete education and rehabilitation programs that are aimed to prepare disabled children with competitive services. It also included establishing, operating and offering financial assistance for the self-governing living, planned to improve the independence and efficiency of the children with major disabilities. The study also provided with the vocational services related to the treatment of the children with disabilities in the United States of America. The study also helped in preparing to engage in productive employment features.

The study conducted focused on extracting the desired support systems for protecting and advocating the rights of these individuals, suffering with the problem of disability. To increase and advance independent living style for the individuals with major disabilities. These services are planned to encourage full incorporation and inclusion of people in the mainstream society (GAO, 2012). The paper has discussed the organization in contrast with the published study. Apart the background of the area of focus, the paper is also comprised of some essential parts that include results of the research, along with the models that were opted to extract the results of the research. The purpose was to present a summarized version of the discussed study.

Background of the Study

The main aim behind the study was to analyze the challenges that can come into ...
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