Draft Request For Proposal

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Draft Request for Proposal

Draft Request for Proposal


The aim and objective of this assignment is to outline a request for proposal to solicit bids for a new project. The request of the proposal will be based on Servicing Contract of Unit Deployment Managers for the United States Air Force. This position is generally held by young commissioned officers of US Air Force (Nissen, 1997; Pietroforte & Miller, 2002). The job responsibility of Unit Deployment Manager is to conduct all governmental functions for Air Force troops which are deployed for the accomplishment peace missions in wartime circumstances. The Unit deployment manager is also responsible for keep track of the deployment of logistics items and equipment which are given to the soldiers of Air Force operations. Deployment manager also maintain the communication link between other Air Force units which have mobility designations for health analysis of troops and ensure that troops have been given necessary immunization against the possible diseases which are prevalent in the area. The Unit manager is given an office with access to see personnel data of the soldiers in order to maintain mobility records and items (Gransberg & Barton, 2007; Gabig, 1987).

The job of the deployment manager is stupendous and requires physical exertion for lifting and moving of items designated for mobility. This report will analyze and discuss the pertinent laws which are necessary to go through before drafting request for proposal for the Unit Deployment Managers. This report will apply the stipulated laws which are in Federal Acquisition Regulation in formulating of the contract. It will incorporate the information included in the Government Accountability Office reports and analyze the issues related to compliance and factors of contribution (Francom, 1989; Nissen, 1997). It will also include the ethical guidelines which can reduce the hazards and repercussions of unethical practices like fraud. In the end, this report will recommend the strategy which should be put in place in soliciting contracts and which shall comply with all the requirements and specifications of Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Request for proposal

Request for proposal is referred to seeking a petition or proposal through a process of bidding. The whole process of solicitation is conducted by an agency that is involved in the procurement of a commodity or service (Pietroforte & Miller, 2002; Gransberg & Barton, 2007). The Request for Proposal has some pre-requisites for the commodity or service which varies according to the structure and response of the supplier. The effective Request for Proposal specifically depicts the strategy and business objectives which provide a deep insight into the matter which allow the suppliers to offer mutual perspective.

Major Condition for RFP

There are stipulated some condition in order to make a request for proposal. These conditions are included in the Federal Acquisition regulation. The agency has to make sure all the conditions related to the formulation of Federal Acquisition Regulation are met by the agency in the solicitation process which is done through bidding (Gabig, 1987; Francom, 1989). Following are the formatting requirements which have to be followed ...