Google Case Study

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Google Case Study

Google Case Study

Question 1: Use of Employee Survey for Performance Evaluation and Hiring

The idea of correlating personal traits collected through employee survey and with their performance is a good measure for the evaluation of employee performance. Rather than black box valuation or, Google gathers its employees input. This exercise can also help employees to analyze their own performance.

The idea of using the identified traits in the screening and selection process of new employees requires more consideration. On one hand it will help Google in hiring new employees having the same set of traits as current employees and will help them in integrating at Google after joining. The issue of concern is evident from the statement that “the only thing constant is change”. Environment is in the phase of continuous change and while the Google continues to hire people having similar traits, it might lose diversity in the organization which can make it unable to have a sustainable competitive advantage in future.

Both ideas are good but the element of change and diversity in talent are needed in the employees, in rapidly changing world to compete successfully. Certain measures should be taken to include appropriate elements in the performance and selection criteria.

Question 2: Assessment of Google Employee Salaries

The pay and compensation packages offered to Google's employees is exceptional high as compared to other companies the promise of life style also incurs additional cost to Google.

The securities analyst and investor are rightly concerned regarding the profitability of the company, the sustainability of that profitability and the associated risks it is creating for the company in the context of current recession.

The defense of the high pay at Google is the self evident from the continuous success of the company. The technology industry is very competitive. Attracting and retaining of exceptional talent is vital for technology companies. The employees work day in day out, meeting project deadlines, and work in a very fast paced environment, which can often result in compromising the work-life balance. Their stretching of work hours results in the effective management of the operation of the company and to keep its working 24/7. Many employees in technology companies as in Google are on call, so when they are required they have to come to the company. It is thus very essential that the work environment is conducive, the pay structure is exceptionally attractive and employees are ...
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