Google Analysis

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Google Analysis

Introduction Google is no longer a search engine company. That is evident from its expansion into many additional offerings for both consumers (Picasa, Blogger, Keyhole, Gmail, Google Chrome, Orkut and other small features,) and enterprise (primarily search). But still search engine business remains the major revenue stream for Google. This paper thus focuses on Google's performance as a search engine.


Target Market

By increasing its functionality and relationships with web users, Google raises its profitability and perceived value in the market. Google's dominance in marketing- positions it as a necessary tool for today's businesses and allows Google to charge a premium price for its advertising. Therefore Google's popularity among web users has a direct influence on its target market of advertisers and determines the prices they pay for Google's services. This revenue source encompasses companies of practically any and all nature (Thomas Eisenmann and Kerry Herman, pp 34-282).

Marketing Mix

Product & Services

the mine product or services that offered by Google is the Web Search including Google Maps, Google University search, and Google Video. Other product is the advertising services for example, paid-listing. Also, Google provide Software product such as Google Earth, Map quest and how to get direction from one place to another, Google Talk, Google Desktop and G-mail (Porter, pp 45-383.


Actually most of the product is free for the users. In other words, the search engine is free for the public, but Google generate its revenue from the advertising using the paid-listing network.


By pursued innovation and used the technology to provide a fast, accurate and easy to use search service. By concentrating in offering as much as benefits for the users comparing with the competitors. Also, it built the web loyal users by placing what the users are interested in.


The mine place for Google is the Internet that means there is no specific place so wherever there is Internet, the used can use Google product and services. As it mentioned in the case, users can use Google Number Search “This system opens up billions of pages for viewing from devices that would otherwise not be able to display them, including Palm PDAs and Japanese i-mode, J-Sky, and EZWeb devices. Wherever search is likely to help users obtain the information they seek, Google is pioneering new technologies and offering new solutions (Porter, pp 34-393).”

Advertising Model

Google works on the web advertising model - an extension of the traditional media broadcast model. Google, in this case, a web site, provides content for free and services like email, IM, blogs mixed with advertising messages in the form of banner ads. The banner ads are the major source of revenue for Google. The advertising model works best for Google as the volume of viewer traffic is large or highly specialized. More specifically, Google functions in following categories of advertising model (Thomas Eisenmann and Kerry Herman, pp 34-282).

Portal - Google's search engine includes varied content or services. A high volume of user traffic makes advertising profitable and permits further diversification of site ...
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