This research is based on the article analysis on “Is Google making us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr. It is an argumentative essay where the research based arguments on the topic of technology uses and abuses would be discussed. Although technology has brought various facilities in the lives of people, but it has also accompanied with many unseen or unconsidered hazards, as it is rightly said that extremism of anything is dangerous for societies.
In this study, we try to explore the concept of Learning and reading attitude of the young generation in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on the reading habits of people which have been transformed from books to e-reading methods, and its relation with the changes that this has brought in the attitudes and behaviour of people for reading books, newspapers and articles.
The research also analyzes many aspects and reasons of this contradictory attitude and what kinds of reading habits have been in the environment since the inception of this new technology. Further the study will also gauge its effect on learning and motivation of the people through new facility. Finally, the research describes various factors which are responsible for the emergence of this technological evolution through these article critics, and tries to describe the overall effect of new reading attitudes of people.
Thesis Statement
The new cloud techno-libraries have devastated the critical thinking and reading abilities from all the people.
Literary Discussion
Reading and critical thinking are two simultaneous processes that have been inherited within the cognitive process of human beings. It is a natural fact that when a person either see, hears or views anything, his cognition starts working on the critical analysis process.
For example, a boy sees a car on the road side and gets immediately attracted to it. It is a natural phenomenon that boys are attached to big things at first sight. Secondly, his cognitions start working at the point when he got attracted to it. He starts thinking what model it is, who owns it, what are their physical features, if it is making a certain sound that what engine is being used. This process last about not more than a minute, but since he is attracted to the car, therefore, his cognition starts working. He now goes to college and discuses that car with hi friends in a critical manner.
Same is the case with the reading habits of a human being. A person who reads book, article novel and theories automatically develops his cognition over the critical thinking and analysis of them. He starts using his brain on what the situation is going and how the situation can be altered. Similarly, he develops a critical analysis and creative techniques over those readings.
Current technologies have devastated the half part of reading analysis capability in humans of today. It has become a common notion that if you are unable to find anything “Google it”. We can say that Google is now the father of all libraries ...