Goals & Objectives

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Personal Goals & Objectives

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Personal Goals & Objectives


To achieve a challenging position in a results-oriented company so that my acquired skills, knowledge and education can be utilized for enhancing my personal and professional skills. I will do this by providing my creativity to find the best possible solution for my company's problems to create a new customer service.


To identify and realize our dreams, goals, and aspirations as a family for the purpose of stretching out increased faith and strengthened character, and enriched family life so that we are fulfilled, happy, confident, and always close.

Goal 1: working together with the family will help us to achieve our goals such as encouraging my family members to take an initiative for achieving any goal they desire to achieve in their life (careers.qut.edu.au).

The benefits that I will receive by reaching this goal are enhanced skills, greater ability to handle situations, and stronger bond with my family.

The obstacles that I need to overcome for reaching this goal is to forget any differences or grudges between family members, and to support everyone without any expectations of being supported.

I need to be realistic, and proactive for reaching this goal.

I need to work with my skills for enhancing them in order to reach the goal.

Objective 1: to achieve a position in a well-recognized organization in a period of one year

Objective 2: to work for my family in order to reach their goals within a time period of maximum two years.

Goal 2: another goal is that every family member achieves his or her objectives and goals of life.

Benefits will be satisfaction about career and secured future.

Obstacles can be financial issues or any other family problems.

Skills required are working together as a family.

Objective 1: acquisition of skills for handling issues in family.

Objective 2: understanding and love within family members


To achieve a level of education where I can enhance my current knowledge and skills of management that will help to attain a higher position in a well-recognized organization, which will result in increased career and growth opportunities (careers.qut.edu.au).

Goal 1: I will try to study and gain knowledge on a continuous basis

The benefits by reaching this goal are increased growth and career opportunities, and secured future.

The obstacle is the time limit that may become a hurdle for achieving this goal.

The skills or knowledge that I need to accomplish my goal is more strength and power to handle greater level of stress.

Objective 1: higher level of education within two years of time

Objective 2: reading more books of the related field of study


Seeking a challenging position in a results-oriented company that requires an ambitious and career conscious individual where acquired skills, knowledge and education will be utilized toward growth and advancements.

Goal 1: studying and working hard will help me to accomplish my sub-mission

The benefit will be a higher level of education and greater security of future

Obstacles can be a time limit and/or family issues

More skills to manage situations ...
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