Globalization And Education

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Globalization and Education

Globalization and Education


In this paper, we will discuss the teaching of globalization in schools, and also, we will discuss the impact of globalization on teaching. As part of an ongoing research on the teaching of globalization, we have also studied the vivacity of this issue in the references used and how these references are mobilized in education.

The paper will look into the existing and current literature on the impact of globalization on teaching and then, will analyze the collected information in detail. We start from the concept of didactic transposition, that is to say, the analysis of translating reference knowledge, the academic knowledge behind to teach.

In addition, when we talk about globalization as strong issue, we take into account the controversies and debates over this issue both theoretically and socially as their consequences in terms of education. This is an epistemological approach that must cross with the analysis of teaching. The study of representations, students' knowledge of the globalization, and discourse of teachers on their practice and observation sequence of instruction are other areas of research. Here, we will limit our discussion to the learning objectives that relate to the theme of globalization.

Part 1

This part will review the purpose and importance of teaching globalization in the schools in this new globalized world. It has been discussed by a number of researchers that the purpose of education in the new era of globalization has changed dramatically. The previous method of education was to expand the knowledge and ideological packages of globalization (Eileen, 2008). The purpose of education is now to provide the building blocks of change in the contemporary society whether it is intellectual, social, and financial or change of attitude from one level to another. Therefore, education has transformed the society greatly from what it was a few decades ago. As this is true, it should be noted that education cannot bring any change if it does involve knowledge. 

The purpose of education is to make people the better citizens by opening their minds to appreciate their roles as citizens. It also makes sure that the people have a dynamic future by imparting talents and skills which makes them employable.  It also helps people to be good decision makers and capable of preventing losses. Furthermore, it broadens people's mental landscape and therefore, enables them to see issues through different points of view. It is the education which has changed the world into a global village through globalization. Hence, globalization has the ability to change the world with the help of education (Wright, 2010).

Some analysts argue that the state should become global while dealing with globalization by becoming a virtual state. It will be less keen to strengthen its capacity as investment in human resources and determining an overall economic strategy. The virtual state is the place of production which encourages and stimulates investments both inside and outside the benefit of production activities. To have a successful national economy, its production does not need to come from within; ...
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