Global Warming

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Global Warming

Is Global Warming A Real Problem In International Relations?

Global warming is dangerous to the whole humanity. Global warming is a medium of international conflicts and a problem which the international system has confirmed completely unable to solve up till now. Global warming is an issue in which all countries are going to share the effect though; contribution of each nation to that the result is separately made. If US and china continue to burn the coal, South-East Asia, Europe and others are going to pay the cost even if they have acted sensibly.

Global warming is a real problem in the international relations because steps are made, but they are not implemented. Conflicts arise between countries and then no one is working in coordination to solve this problem. This problem has not been solved internationally because countries who participate in the acts to reduce global warming have their own previous dislikes for each other and thus the global warming problem remains unresolved.

Inside countries, where the government has coercive powers, the solution to issues such as global warming to force individuals to go after a solution, like we create cars get smog repairs and inspections. Anarchy or the international system does not possess that chance. So we only have supportive actions depending on reciprocity such as Kyoto treaty - you cut some carbon number, we cut some amount of carbon. Without application, and with long term advantages and short term prices, it did not work (Krajnc, 2003).

Scientists have been warning from many years that global warming will lead to floods, fires, storms, and droughts as weather of the world became disturbed. Hurricane Katrina came and now we have a lot these weather catastrophes. But growing number of Americans, around half believe that global warming effects have been overstated. Congress does not ...
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