Global Marketing Management

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Global Market Selection

Global Market Selection


In the current circumstances, one of the most important concepts of business management is the marketing which is designed to form rational production programs to respond to the evolving situation on the markets for products and ultimately to win in a competitive environment (Andersen, & Buvik, 2002, 347). Today, marketing has become very important and part of day to day business. In this globalized world, companies must have tools to be able to have advantages over their competitors not only in the domestic market but also in other parts of the world (Whitelock, 2004, 1437). If a company wants to be successful or just survive must implement a good marketing strategy. Here we are focusing on global market since these days companies are no longer able to ignore international markets. They can't be competitive without exporting their products and services across the sea in other country (Prasad, 2007, 68). It is not important that companies that do business internationally are successful or have competitive advantage because there are various important factors that play an important role in making a company big success (Armstrong, 2009). Out of these several factors selection of proper global market is the basic and most important element. Research states that one of the hallmarks of international marketing is the need to select the countries to enter. In this paper, we are going discuss proper selection of global market and marketing with reference to AMUL for which we shall evaluate Mexican Market. We shall discuss important factors in selection of global market how AMUL should market its product in Mexico. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of effectively selecting global market and international marketing in success of company. The importance shall be demonstrated by launching AMUL in Mexico. Mangers when selecting global market should know their company's ability, however for management the basic task is to carry out an external analysis of the destination country, market or foreign market in which it intends to operate which together with the choice of entry mode is the most important decision in the internationalization of the company (Prasad, 2007, 68).

Sources of Information

There are a number of sources, both public and private, on foreign markets which may be exercised in the first stage of the study to pre select the most suitable potential markets and prepare the following stages by sampling, prospecting and marketing plans. For this study we have selected to use secondary data publically published in journals and different libraries.

Dairy Industry in Mexico

The dairy industry in Mexico has enjoyed great prestige in terms of employment generation and contribution to the richness of the environment, however, in the last 10 years, has been in steep decline, being forgotten major government programs gave sustenance. Nevertheless, there is a very good example for Mexico has been rebounding by leaps and bounds since 2008, I mean the company Laguna Lala, who has doubled in size in three years ...
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