Global Marketing

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Global Marketing

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Environmental variables contribution to the 2010 position of Levi's4

Global Marketing plan (2011-2016)5

Situation Analysis5

Market Demographics5

Market Growth6

SWOT Analysis6

Marketing Mix8

Competitor Analysis9



Levi Strauss & Co. is a privately owned American clothing manufacturing company. It was founded in early 1853 in San Francisco by Levi and Strauss and is recognized till today as America's leading iconic brand. Ever since its inception in 1853, the company underwent major ups and down in its journey but somehow always managed to surface above the situation as a result of its strong, tactful and resourceful management.

Global Marketing

Environmental variables contribution to the 2010 position of Levi's

Businesses nowadays, regardless of their size and stature are immensely impacted by the global environment that surrounds them. On one hand, the global environment provides feasible conditions such as decreased barriers to entry, ease in trading, exchange of information however on the other hand, it also possesses some environmental variables with which, if not dealt adequately, can cause complicated setbacks as well.

Similarly, Levi Strauss & Co. was also exposed to a number of environmental variables which altogether contributed to its current position in the year 2010 (McPherson, 2007). On one hand, the changing socio cultural factors such as individual's norms, beliefs and values, backed up with the rise of consumer level of education all led to a shift from casual clothing to fashion clothing (Raatma, 2004). Hearts which were once ruled by Levi's now seemed to want fashion items such as Armani, Lee brand, Calvin Klein and envisaged it as the “coolest jeans” (Raatma, 2004). On the other hand, economic factors are yet another cause of concern which led to the growing concern of the Levi's in 2010 (Bernstein, 2006). The rise in exchange rates and inflation, the growing government policies and legislation and the 2010 deficits in the balance of payment all contributed towards a halt in the growing success of Levi Strauss & Co. A company which was once at the pinnacle of its industry was now starting to face a downhill journey (IBIS World, 2012b).

A marketing information system is quite similar to a management information system where all the marketing data is formally stored and then redistributed to the managers in order to assist them in the decision making process. In late 2000, Levi Strauss & Co. faced a shocking set back when its advertising campaign for its brand Dockers failed. For the first time in its history, the product focused advertising which was always more than just being readily acceptable by the consumers faced a reversal of fortune (IBIS World, 2012c). This was mainly the result of an inadequate marketing information system as a result of which Levi's was unable to successfully tap into the current consumer trends and traits and effectively cater its advertising campaign towards them.

Global Marketing plan (2011-2016)

Situation Analysis

By the mid 2010, Levi Strauss & Co. had made its mark as European leader in the manufacturing and marketing of denim jeans. A company that initiated in the 1900 focusing on simple denim ...
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