Global governance refers to the ways in which a variety of actors come together to address global problems. The varied actors produce a global pattern of rule even in the absence of an overarching world state. Historically, states have been regarded as the principal actors in producing global governance. States engaged in overlapping and interlocking processes, often within international organizations, which produced a world order. States create and enforce a range of international rules, norms, and standards, often in the setting of international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). Recently, however, social scientists have drawn attention to the increasing prominence of multinational corporations and non-governmental organizations within global governance. Non-state actors play an important role by influencing the actions of states as well as acting globally in their own right. The issue of global governance appears in the context of the so called globalization. Given the acceleration of interdependencies worldwide between human societies and between humankind and the biosphere, "global governance" is to define the rule making on this scale. A simple and comprehensive definition of global governance uses this term to refer to all rules of organization of human societies on a global scale.
Due to the heterogeneity of preferences, globalization is often seen as a process of relentless homogenization. American and European illustrate this: there is little convergence between them in relation to the division between public and private spheres, tolerance of inequality and demand for redistribution, attitude toward risk, or definition of property rights. In some cases, even globalization acts as a factor which accentuates the differences rather than as a force of homogenization. Due to increasing global problems, examples include alerts on the global environment, but not only. This increase causes the displacement of the integration priorities for the management of bilateral relations to the organization of collective action. The result is a new model of representation and management of interdependence, which tends to apply to an increasing number of areas.
Finally, the last remarkable fact is the emergence of a global civic consciousness, partly composed of a critical approach to globalization. Increasingly, movements and organizations establish their speech to international or global scale. Despite its limitations, this trend is clearly a logical response to increased global governance issues. No longer can finally even imagine the world economy as an entity in the process of rapid standardization, nor retain a traditional view modelled, economically, the principles of the Treaty of Westphalia . It takes place the reflection in two dimensions: integration (less complete than it sounds), and the solidarity of a common destiny.
When and how did Global Governance happen and appear
Although some theorists have developed blueprints for a world government, attempts to create one have had limited success. The League of Nations was established in 1919 after the First World War, but it proved unable to prevent the growing aggression of Fascist states in the 1930s and later the Second World War. Many of the most visible aspects of contemporary global ...