Global Cultural Homogeneity

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Global Cultural Homogeneity

Global Cultural Homogeneity


Ethnology is in the sadly ludicrous, not to say tragic, position, that at the very moment when it begins to put its workshop in order, to forge its proper tools, to start ready for work on its ,appointed task, the material of its study melts away with hopeless rapidity. , Bronislaw Malinowski We can easily now conceive ofa time when there will be only one culture and one civilization on the entire surface of the earth. I don't believe this will happen, because there are contradictory tendencies always at work on the one hand towards homogenization and on the other towards new distinctions. Claude Levi-Strauss The exception, so far, is only in Switzerland and Norway. This trend continues, depends among other things on whether the recent enlargement of the EU will be considered successful (Mulder & et al., 2005).

In this paper we are going to support the argument that the due to the intermixing of different cultures the world is moving towards a cultural homogeneity instead of cultural divergence. The culture of the entire world has almost become same and the globe has become almost homogenous culturally.


Every year in the spring, the nations of Europe meet in a broadcast melody challenge, a media occasion viewed by hundreds of millions of people. There is first a national challenge in each nation to pick its own section for the universal rivalry. A couple of years prior, a discussion ejected in Sweden after this national challenge. It was truly satisfactory that the tune which was first runner-up had been performed by a woman from Finland, and the second runner up by an Afro-American woman who was at this point a naturalized Swede. Both were remarkably considered and by one means or another spoke to that new heterogeneity of Swedish social order which had developed throughout the last couple of decades. What was disputable was the winning tune, the abstain of which was “Four Bucks and a Coca Cola”; Bucks, such as the name of the soda pop, was a mark name (for a biting gum}. Numerous individuals supposed it inappropriate that the national entrance in the European challenge might as well rotate around two mark names. Anyhow of the two, Coca Cola was much the more dubious, as it was generally comprehended as a focal image of "social colonialism." Indeed, a equivalent word for the recent is "the coca colonization of the planet." Under the circumstances, what drew a great deal less consideration was the way that the winning tune was a calypso, not something one would ordinarily consider regularly Swedish, either. It is not certain that it can withstand a shock to the political, economic and cultural, which causes the simultaneous accession of so many countries burdened with the communist past. That takes place this time in the European Union change however is not only quantitative but also qualitative. As a fairly generally accepted, the old structures and ways of thinking would be inefficient to the ...
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