Global Computer Technology Industry

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Global Computer Technology Industry

Global Computer Technology Industry

The current era is the period of innovation, resilience and progress in which business organizations work to attain sustainability and prosperity. They run their business operations on large scale and strive for growth and expansion in order to counter their rivals in the industry. These global corporations perform in cutthroat competition and tend to excel in terms of leadership and competitiveness amongst their competitors. Through the application of strategies and theories built on the grounds of strong mission and visions, the organizations operate on the global level. This paper will discuss the business operations of a global computer industry and will analyze the large scale organizations in terms of their strategic positioning and assessments. The case study of Apple Incorporation will be utilized in order to discuss the corporate strategies and policies that the computer industry in general, and Apple Incorporation in particular, applies to manage the business on the global level.

Global Computer Technology Industry

The dominance of technology and innovation, particularly in the field of Information and Communication Technology, has granted a clear platform to the computer technology industry to operate on a global level. The hardware and software industry possesses tremendous potential to transform into one of the notable and dispersed high tech international industries. This industry witnessed higher rates of growth in the last two decades and the services provision of the computer software increased dramatically all over the world. With the boosting significance of the knowledge based industries including the computer software, there has been a simultaneous enhancement in the significance of the intellectual property rights (IPRs) (Ansoff, 1965). The impacts and actual roles of the IPRs, are directly associated with the development of the domestic technological capabilities and skills in a globalized economy.

The countries all across the globe have transformed into more knowledge and information intensive regions, thus creating knowledge based economy in the world. The primary countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the knowledge based industries such as computer and information services, telecommunication, insurance, finance, royalties and several other business services now attribute a large part of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to the existence and functioning of the knowledge based industries. These industries are not merely expanding but also enable a huge portion of trade in majority of the developing countries (Arnold, David & Quench, John, 1998). Therefore, it has been realized by the policy makers that the intellectual assets and knowledge are the primary sources of the productivity, value, and growth which allows an enhancement in the global collaboration in the shape of knowledge exchange.

The computer hardware and software industry is a primary example of the knowledge production due to the fact that the worth of the product of software company is the complete knowledge that is installed in the services and products of the companies, Though, the companies established in the major industrialized countries dominate the industry, however, it constantly offers huge potential of the industrial development and economic growth in ...
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