Ghana And The United States

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Ghana And The United States

Ghana and United States

American culture is a Western culture, largely based on British culture with influences from other parts of Europe, the Native American peoples, African Americans and to a lesser extent Asian Americans and other young groups of immigrants. Due to the extent of American culture there are many integrated but unique subcultures within the U.S. By and large, Americans value the ideals of individual liberty, individualism, self-sufficiency, altruism, equality, Judeo-Christian morals, free markets, a republican form of government, democracy, populism, pluralism, feminism, and patriotism. (Americans often believe that their patriotism has nuances that differentiate it from nationalism and nationalism's negative connotations.) (Chen 1999)

Whereas Ghana's economy has experienced a remarkable transformation. The program of economic administration, implemented in the 80s, in a stimulating environment, restructured the economy, showing since then, an average annual growth of 5%, which allowed to achieve stability social and international credibility. The amendments to the Act concerning the investments have greatly expanded business opportunities in Ghana. In the early 1980s tax system in Ghana was deep in crisis. Introduction of the central government amounting to less than 5% of GDP, the government levies heavy agricultural sector, and producers of cocoa, has been based in particular on the price policy in order to obtain sufficient income to maintain the basic functions of the state. The constancy of the duty method is a prized particle affecting the resolve of the IOC to invest or not, uphold or elicit their finances in each country. To convince investors as a unwavering and predictable duty regime, the gazed frontwards to revisit of great finances in oil and gas. While investment incentives remain a privilege for investors who meet certain specific criteria applied and for various services, it the risk that the benefits were, may be ...
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