Teaching Black Students

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The Impact of African American Professors/Teachers teaching black students

The Impact of African American Professors/Teachers teaching black students


The demarcation of Americans of European or Latin American descent (whites and Latinos) is often difficult, because over the centuries have shown strong ethnic mixtures. A generally accepted definition, people from as many ancestors as "European" / "white", "colored" or "African American" / considered "black" is not given. Often, African Americans refer to this term critically on the history of the enslavement of Africans and thus distinguish themselves from ethicizing names like "nigger" or "colored", or the polemical “nigger" from (Agee, 2004). Approximately 500,000 were enslaved ancestors from Africa 1619-1808 and especially in the Caribbean and brought to North America. Another self-designation is BLACK, which is often capitalized on political considerations. At the same time has the concept of "Americans" that African-Americans due to processes of assimilation into the surrounding society and the consequent widespread acculturation are not members of African ethnic groups more (Agee, 2004).

In the African American in the tradition of Melville J. Herskovits, the term African-Americans in general to the various American states that have African ancestry. The question is, who is African American, by the immigration of people from the Caribbean and Africa into the USA and by the increase in the number of people who view themselves as multiracial, often recently asked differently. Even the election of Barack Obama as America's president has contributed to this discussion (Agee, 2004). So see Americans of Haitian origin, usually as part of the Haitian Diaspora and Americans with roots in the Dominican Republic - regardless of the tone of her skin color - as Latinos, but not as African-Americans. Since the eighties, there is also a strong influx of Africans (especially from Nigeria, Ghana and Ethiopia) in the United States. The children of these immigrants are growing up as Americans, their family biographies are not influenced by the historical experiences of African Americans. There is evidence that support programs to assist children of African-Americans disproportionately benefit African immigrants (Agee, 2004).

Today, many African Americans have taken the job of teaching, living in America. History tells us that the African American race have also been slaves for long in the past. Furthermore, due to the long history of hatred against the Black Americans and discrimination that they have faced for long, they were not able to come forward and take part or play the role of the most important positions in the society. Therefore, as a result of this, certain questions have been raised on the effectiveness of the Black Americans as teachers. Therefore, this paper tries to identify the impact of African American Professors/Teachers teaching black students (Agee, 2004).


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