Gestation Diabetes

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Nutritional Diet for Pregnant Women Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes

Nutritional Diet for Pregnant Women Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes


The entire phase or duration of Pregnancy is very critical because of the fact that the pregnant women are prone to a number of diseases and treats through various external factors. Therefore, it is ensured that such women in this phase are provided with the most sophisticated and quality attention and treatment of doctors, nurses, gynecologists and other relative experts in the field. However, it is important to note that there are several diseases or conditions whose occurrence cannot be controlled. One of such diseases that women acquire very often during their pregnancy is Gestational Diabetes. It is important to note that there has been found no particular reason or rational that would explain of why this disease is acquired by women very often during pregnancy. In addition, there also does not exist any particular treatment procedure for the cure of this disease. However, it is important to note that if left unattended, the pregnant women with this disease will be exposed many other health disasters and hazards. The most effective method of controlling the prevalence of the disease and reverting at least some of the symptoms is to control the diet and nutrition of the pregnant women. Therefore, in order to ensure that the diabetes does not get to a stage where it becomes dangerous for the pregnant mothers, it is essential that the nutrition value in her diet is carefully observed, monitored and altered accordingly.


GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus) or Gestational diabetes can be defined as a medical condition that includes the female individuals without diagnosed previously with diabetes show signs of high glucose levels in the blood during their pregnancy whereas the symptoms of the condition during the third trimester. The debate however of whether the condition or the disease is naturally acquired during pregnancy still continues. Gestational diabetes typically occurs when the female's insulin receptors are not functioning properly (Ross, 2006, pp.394).

This usually happens because of the several factors related to pregnancy that includes the presence of the human placental lactogen, which interferes with the susceptible insulin receptors. As a result, the blood sugar levels are elevated and exceed the acceptable levels. The Gestational diabetes usually has few symptoms. Moreover, it is diagnosed most commonly by the screening during the pregnancy. The Diagnostic tests conducted detect and identify the unacceptable levels of the glucose in the blood samples.


The Gestational diabetes has been known to affect 3-10% of the pregnancies every year since the last couple of years. These statistics only include the developed countries. The situation is far worse in the developing countries (WHO, 2006).

Reports have shown that alone in England and Wales, around 650,000 individuals give birth every year out of which 2-5% of pregnancies include female individuals with diabetes. Around 87.5% of the pregnancies are estimated to be complicated by diabetes. Of the few diabetes types, the majority of the complications are ...
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